World's Biggest Avalanche – 2 contrasting views Thom Goddard — September 24, 2019 39 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest Spread The Viralist Two contrasting views of one of the world’s largest ever avalanches. source Avalanche (Disaster Type) massive avalanche Mountaineering (Sport) world's largest ever avalanche Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
when i see those explosions in the beginning, i think…"you missed, how could you miss he was THREE FEET IN FRONT OF YOU!!!"
Why did they set it off?
how to hide your secret mountain lair
They are Norwegian
Avalanches about, business continues below
Gilla om ni är svensk
Is this video reusable ?
The Minions avalanche….
Meh..i ve seen bigger
Biccibocky boo coo….
Lol at the second one and the last sneaking around all the men to get behind the truck.
looks fun :))
Herdy Dur Mur Flerpty Floopin. Bork Bork Bork
gilla om du är svensk också:)
its an swedish person, who talk. im swedish
Bruh you need to move GO GO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!
I herd 3 charges of explosives in first clip eny one else??
R.I.P trees and R.I.P norwegians
That’s a cloud
OMG I would scream and run I am not that brave
Worlds Smallest.
How it feels to chew 5 mint gum
Way bigger avalanche in b.c this year.
Why you dont run?
definitely NOT the Worlds biggest avalanche by any means….
That aint an avalanche. Someone blew up one of pablo escobar's freight planes
Camera guy "are we safe here lol"
Do somebody now, where it happened. Thank You…
Not even close to the biggest.
Way worse than I ever thought an avalanche could be! Much respect
The people in the buildings or close the buildings are
When dude what are you doing when do
the 3 identical explosions at the start look intentional
when i see those explosions in the beginning, i think…"you missed, how could you miss he was THREE FEET IN FRONT OF YOU!!!"
There was an Avalanche on k2 and another on cho you that must be 3 times the size of this
why arent they fucking running