I have never said the phrase "was this filmed with a potato' before because I thought it was corny. This is one of those cases where not only is the resolution extremely low but the pixels dance like like an acid trip. This is the worst quality video on the entire internet.
these dudes can't fight the dude in the shirt definitely can't fight
Brought to you by a Zenith flip phone with 1/3 megapixel.
in the beginning as I watched the dude in the white shirt the sound "Ning-NiNg-NING" was playing in my head.
Both pussys
the quality is ass
Guy with wife beater needs to learn BJJ
Weak. In need of mass editing
Bitch yaLL should hav been let em up soon as they touched da ground u nighaZ dumb
That shit was pathetic they were mostly cuddling each other
Bitches in the fights, bitches on the background…… Disappointing
The ringtone ??
so where's the slut there fighting for
Holy shit put a dit in his head well i guest he had god on his side because he g okkt that victory ??
wakanda fight
What happened u u stop
Round 2
Ok get his ass
Aww how cute their hugging
One dude fought???? What kinda bitchs were those? Horrible ground game. Horrible grappling. Muscles dont mean fucking shit!!!
"This that HD shit" nigga watching a bubble screen and his phone still has buttons I bet.
The nigga wit the light blue pants cant fight for shit
I heard someone shout “WHO NECKS” lol
No wonder racism exist
one good mother muffin fight best ive seen in long time
2:17 apparently Elmo was in attendance
no hands
All you idiots talking about the quality… it was filmed in 2013
3:04 I could have kicked his legs leaned back and bust the top of his head
Was this shot 1956
That fight is shit
2:18 was that hood Elmo
ma nigga got FUCKED in the hood
I have never said the phrase "was this filmed with a potato' before because I thought it was corny. This is one of those cases where not only is the resolution extremely low but the pixels dance like like an acid trip. This is the worst quality video on the entire internet.
these dudes can't fight the dude in the shirt definitely can't fight
Doesn't anyone have a job ?
they're fucking lucky he walked away
that was boring as fuck…
You fighting stick man?? Come get some! #IrishHeavyHands
Fuck black you want thaifight ?
Looks like Mandingo fighting lol
i never knew the nokia 3310 had a camera??
why do I like black men
fucking sucker fight
Did u really call this shit high def? Wtf u been smoking lay off that lean u fuckn dumb piece of shit.
02:49 he said it's high def, yet it's at 360p