THIS IS NOT AT MY HOUSE AND I DO NOT OWN EITHER ANIMAL. THIS FOOTAGE WAS TAKEN AT AN ANIMAL RESERVE. NEITHER ANIMAL WAS HARMED. The tiger cub and house cat live together and from what I was told play together on a regular basis. Just so you know, the house cat can come and go as he pleases from the area where the tiger cub is kept. While I was there I saw that cat come and play with the cub several times, never at any time was the cat forced to play. The house cat has been around many tiger and lion cubs at the reserve throughout the years.
Until the Tiger grows a little older and realized he can eat the kitty. Pretty sure they are exactly like humans
Feline cousins!
hahaha my paw is bigger than ur paw!
its practicing hunting #LOL
My cats play like this with each other. 🙂
It's pretty obvious they are playing. Anyone who has ever been unfortunate enough to make a cat angry knows they aren't exactly subtle when they want you to GO AWAY. Looks like both cats are just enjoying themselves.
I want to see them playing together now….lol
wat if the tiger and the cat made a baby? it makes a tater
There should be more videos of tigers and cats! This is simply precious.
Toooo Cute!!!
toooooo cute!!!
Thats sooo cute! What is he going to do when the tiger gets too big but still wants to play? haha.
Awww there sooo cute
awww that was soo adorable!!
@WileeC I'll say. My American short-haired cat, Eva, thinks she's a person, though. But she can eventually settle down and get along with my maternal grandmother's British short-haired cat, Lucy, if she's left to be looked after by us long enough. At first they have hissy fits at each other, but after a while, they'll get along better.
It's awesome how the cat knows to put his paws over the tiger's eyes to get him to back away from his face
@nothinglim28 Thats some funny ish…
wow, to see the difference between wild cats and house cats!
the tiger's paws are huge!
that tiger cub's paw is like the size of the cat's face…pretty cool
the tiger is probably like….haha im bigger then you!
any more video? luv to see both them playing….
that is how my boston terrier and my cat act together its hilarious watching them play together
uuhh it looks like my cat cleo…she is just a little bit smaller….<3
Well why not, after all, they are still feline.
they're so cute
they are so cute I WANT THAT CAT! the tiger is cute too but the CAT IS SO CUTE!
hahahha thats so cute when there like clawing each other lol
lol i love how the cubs paw is like the size of the cats head
I want one!
the lay on the back and kick technique, all cats know it
where did you buy that tiger cub??? and how much is it
i want 111111111111111
that cat looks like the one i lost
"C'mon Unkle Kitty let's play!! =D
"Ahh, you're gettin' too big for this, kid!"
lol in every video about animals one of the first comments you see is "I want one."
Baby Tiger is
so cute
lol, all cats like to play
Can I have a pet tiger. Imagine a 500 lb tiger sleeping in my room every night? Good protection I believe. but you would need a pretty big litter box.
That video looks cute and cuddly because it has both tiger cub and adult cat- it reminds me of two kittens playing together!
Didn't mean to… I fixed it though– thanks for pointing that out! 🙂
i want a baby tiger rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Now here is evidence that cats will form an alliance and rule the world!!
that is so funny ;D
WOW. a baby tiger is a lot larger than an adult cat. LOL!
haha love it:)