Learn about some new sea creatures that recently made their debut to the land world!
Special Thanks To: Victoria Vásquez at Pacific Shark Research Center, Kim Fulton-Bennett at MBARI, Jonathan Copley at University of Southampton, and Theodore Pietsch at University of Washington
Hosted by: Michael Aranda
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Ninja Lanternshark:
Ninja Lanternshark: the New Shark Species You Will Never See Coming
What’s in a Name? Part I: The Race to Ninja Lantershark.
Deep-sea worms slither around the bottom of the animal tree of life
Hoff Crabs:
Eyeless Shrimp:
Harp Sponge
http://www.mbari.org/scientists-discover-extraordinary-new-carnivorous-sponge/ – Harp sponge
http://www.mbari.org/researchers-describe-four-new-species-of-killer-sponges-from-the-deep-sea/ – other new carnivorous sponges
Casper Octopus
http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/okeanos/explorations/ex1603/logs/mar2/mar2.html [images available to download and use]
Crossota Jellyfish
It's always so weird to hear Americans say British place names. "South Hampton".
what kind of hair is that
He doesn't blink
Imagine if you were diving and then saw one of those creatures near you…
I find the ocean fascinating, I'm just terrified of it ?
Is it still new until now?
That shark is so interesting
I want to see more of the SEA CRATURES!!!
There’s only one Ocean……..
I've got a strange deep-sea creature in my pants.
They have Eyes…but U dont seE IT
Why is he not using measurements that everone understands do I dont have to Google a conversion .. Just use both ways Celsius and Fahrenheit , miles and kilometers
The harp sponge is incredible
thought you said Pot Smokers found twice that deep , lol
Humans: Go deep into the ocean
Our brains : "Detecting multiple leviathan class lifeforms in the region. Are you certain whatever you're doing is worth it?"
Those sock worms look like used condoms.
He's cute… haha just saying
Those shrimp though…how are you supposed to cook them?
Why is he talking like that
Wawwww as he got a train to catch or what?? Slow down .take your time ?
Why does Michael Aranda never blink? Love the show and his presentation but he never blinks!
Do sharks have scales? Don't think so. Maybe jet black skin?
Sock worms more like condom worms
Anybody else (well, women) agree that Handsome Pirate could do without the goatie?
A critter named Churro? The marine biologist that named it is definitely Hispanic.
I wonder what that eyeless shrimp tastes like?
Show video while you narrate
This was lame and annoying
I will never watch another one of your vids mang
They should do a SciShow episode about big tiddies
with 95% of the ocean unseen, well…you know…
A curious aspect about the light emitted by Ninja Lanternsharks can only be seen by other sharks.
Leave the cute ear rings for women to wear. This era of anything goes can go.
This makes me proud to be a Southampton boi
Too much person,not enough image/video.
Theres even a monster like kraken it pushed down a building