Cows reacting to live music performance will leave you in awe

Cows reacting to live music performance will leave you in awe
Spread The Viralist

Cleveland-based musicians Amy Lee, Frank Rosenwein, and Joanna & Mike Zakany decide to test the musical sophistication of cows Kayli, Maybelle, Mike and Maribeth. The results? You’ll just have to see it to believe it!

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About the Author: Rumble Viral


  1. Some dairy farms hire performers, such as music performers, magic tricks etc to entertain their cows, the happier a cow the more milk it makes. That's why if you go to a good selling dairy farm you can usually see those rolling brushes they have in carwashes, just slower for the cows. It's truly a strange profession.

  2. The only time when the phrase, “silly old cow” isn’t as offensive as being called old! It would have been so interesting to see how certain music played out in a cow’s brain, for an example when they started to play those instruments, the first cow to react was the one that the farmer said was the most shy, so does classical music actually causes the animal to become more relax, so can music benefit some animals as it does for humans? This video is very interesting to watch.

  3. The cows are like, hello can anyone please show me the letter of permission for playing the music here. Hello, can anyone? People, you are trespassing on our grass. Show me the papers. ?

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