This guy was riding his motorcycle when he saw a baby kangaroo drop out of his mom’s pouch!
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I wonder how many people think the mother misses this Joey. Kangaroos are barbaric creatures. They do not care about their young. In fact if a mother is fleeing from a predator then she will expel the Joey from her pouch and use it as a lure to get the predator away from her. More than likely that's what happened here. Seen it so many times.
Interesting editing at 2:00. The guy clearly referred to the kangaroo as "it", yet whoever transcribed the video, replaced it with "he". Putting your emotion before proper grammar. Sign of a weak mind.
Australians man. Fuckin' crazy. They seem pretty cool though.
This Canguru is gonna suffer daddy mommy issues that he was abondoned , NOT….
When a kangaroo gets scared it kicks the baby out so the predators stop the chase and they eat the baby instead and she looses extra weight so she can jump faster ..
I dont think he realized he was the cause of the mother ejecting the baby, but bless him for stopping and finding proper care for it. I just hope someone has since informed him not to chase animals down and leave them be.
Bless that man!
I don't know anything about kangaroos but don't you think the mum would hear it and come back?
Well,it’s obvious we know how this happened- thank goodness he did something about it and turned it around. Props to that.
Near where I live there a ton of kangaroos
Great job. Good man.
I only heard about this Joey for three minutes and I already want to protect it.
That was beautiful
you did that, the roo will eject the baby for it to get away. Think about idiot.
It does not look like a gremlin wtf
*Plot twist
Mother shows up :30 later looking for her kid on the ground
soooooo cute!!!!
The mother would have picked him back up if his precent wouldnt scare her..
The mother would have come back
Wouldn’t the mother kangaroo ? come back for the baby?? Was it good that he took it?? Idk about this one.. I’m not an expert but would think she would had backtracked the baby is her life… Poor mama
You should have left it and monitored from a distance. The mother would have returned. Of course, we humans think we know best, and although this man's actions were noble, they were naive. Now the mother lost its baby and the baby lost its mother. Waiting for several hours from a distance would have most likely reunited the two. Just my opinion, as I am no expert, nor was the man who took the baby kangaroo.
Should of just left it bud it didnt full out the doe kicked it out
Feel sorry for the mother…. She must've had a pretty bad day when she realized her baby was gone.
Just abort it next time
That was very Mindful and very watchful good eye
I saved a boy then we got together
I was left poor :-:
Like people that man didn't know that the mom will drop the Joey so stop saying things
Like people that man didn't know that the mom will drop the Joey so stop saying things
Atleast you helped him some just don't care for small joeys
U did a great job helping it
Man the comments in this is video r hasty
Nice man
I like that this channel turns all the "it"'s into "him" or "here"
Those kangaroos going on the streets are mad lads
Well, I certainly kanga-rooted for the rescue!
…of course, if you hadn't spooked the animals in the first place, you wouldn't need to rescue the babyroo.
So glad to see there are still good people in the world.
Is the deathclaw from Fallout a mutated kangaroo?