View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-tsunamis-work-alex-gendler
The immense swell of a tsunami can grow up to 100 feet, hitting speeds over 500 mph — a treacherous combination for anyone or anything in its path. Alex Gendler details the causes of these towering terrors and explains how scientists are seeking to reduce their destruction in the future.
Lesson by Alex Gendler, animation by Augenblick Studios.
It very nice viedo about tsunami ??
2:32 it's actually in Aceh, Indonesia 2004
Thanks a lot, it helped me to learn about Tsunamis quite easily than reading thousands of text in books & explanation is nice.
But an meteor can be the reason for rogue waves too
Not Malaysia cuz we never been hit by any tsunami
we should make at least a 50 meter tall and wide wall so that we won’t get wiped out
Click me how to survive a earth qwick
Well she said to get out of its way???
Um the wave is to wide, you can't even see the edge. If your close to it, your dead!
I watched this since I was 3 and I'm 8 now
Just block the tsunami from entering shallow water.
so strange
This is the wall
trump needs to build
it helped for my homework/assesment
if i was in a tsunamis i would just standed there because theres no point in running when your going to die its way to big to escap
this is very helpful and I will recommend it to other classmates who need help with their assessments.
I don't understand abit. When the tsunami came at 2:16, there was fire on a building?
Ok so we can surf the tsunami ? yay!
자막단놈 나와!!!!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
중간에 자막이 끊기네
I’m watching this while I’m on the coast of California so ummmmmmmm…
I’m watching this while I’m on the coast of California so ummmmmmmm…
الارض مسطحة
Great video bro!!
I know you know.
The waves form.
Very good?
Informative video, it was just fabulous?✨
thank you for the info
Damn. I remember the 2004 Tsunami. I was asleep when it happened, but I woke up and went to the balcony and I saw a huge flood. At first I thought it was heavy rain, but it was too much. An uncle said it must have been a tsunami.
The people in that Ancient Greek city Potidaea take the crown for the luckiest people in history ?
just swim under the tsunami ?
Easy as that.
Definitely Poseidon.
Gods doing
for those raised in metric system, Tsunamis's travel 800km/h and reaching heights of 6,000 m.
I still didn't understand it, guess i'm a slow learner.
Who’s here after the second earthquake in California and fears a big one?
Thanks, I needed to do research of tsunamis for homework
Never knew a natural disaster can cause a natural disaster.
Isn’t that like the story of Moses? XD
Mangrove forests reduce the impact
or get out of its way HOW AM I supposed to do that The ocean is like miles and miles and miles ahead ;w;
Wouldn’t the Potiideans die too from the tsunami in the beginning?
how about harp when they caused the one on christmas day 2005 or the fukushima one. jolly good show
could you please list your sources
watches day before trip to the beach
Don't get out of its way when it's right next to you! It's gonna be too late