A little compilation of my deaths during my Minecraft Let’s Play Series!
This Video has a lot of swearing and raging in it, you have been warned!
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Thanks so much for watching and i really hope you enjoyed it 🙂
i feel like this is fake its to trigger people lol
0:44 I know the best way to kill those.
Just died in minecraft..fell in lava?
Once I went to the nether and a ghast surprise attacks me out of nowhere breaking my portal and after playing dodge ball with two of them and a blaze I got knocked off a ledge and died! Luckily I was playing on a ps4 so I closed the game and it didn't save my death. So I turned it to peaceful mode so I could get some soul sand and leave. Later I got the final Ender pearl I needed to get to the end. then I made friends with a second enderman that otherwise would easily kill me after the intense fight I had with the other enderman and 5 other mobs that decided to get involved. His new name was endy as I named with a name tag. Then a few days later I came across him again while exploring. Endermen can actually be really nice if you don't attack them!
This is funny nice video
“a lot of swearing in 321” that was nothing i was expecting him to yell and scream
I’m sooo mad…today 3 minutes after I finally got diamonds I died to a fall into a cave full of 3 zombies a witch and 2 skeletons
I almost died but dirt saved me from lava
2:21 it seems like he did it on purpose
You so stupid my man but i like it
? been their
Where legends cried
#ASWD #Sonic
Do not swear!
There was actually one time were i was so close to diamond, only about 6 blocks away, but then i broke the block on top of me, and was suffocated by gravel.
For people that say its fake. One time I fell down REALLY far and had a ton of stuff and had half heart left
so nice tanks!!!
In a cave in Minecraft I found 24 diamonds then there was a witch and poisoned me and I died ? ?
This is why I turn on keep inventory
i died laughing when you fell in the revine twice =))
Lmao I actually thoroughly enjoyed that video! Thank u!
these are too unlucky to be real
How to prevent these deaths:
1- always carry a bucket of water on the HOTBAR, in case you need it for lava, descenting cliffs, or endermen
2- Never attack zombie pigman. Sort of obvious.
3- Always bring a bow to the nether. If you dont, ghasts are harder to kill.
4- I have nothing to say on this one. I have made the same mistake, and I still do.
5- Easily preventable
6- Never dig straight down, first of all, remember your past actions.
7- Never attempt to shoot endermen. They are immune to arrows.
Glad you enjoyed it 🙂 And I'm going to at some point 🙂
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it 🙂 and i know, it was unexpected when it happened lol!