? – Note
Hey guys! Today i decided to implement another Compilation series to this channel: “Public Freakouts”… why?
sometimes watching other people get mad and angry really helps relief your own stress.
so sit back and enjoy the show.
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?- Roaring Clips
This Channel started at around the beginning of 2019 as a compilation channel. I created this channel with the hope that one day I’ll have my own Community I can share interesting Videos with and overall just let you guys have a great time.
if you want to support me on this journey, feel free to subscribe.
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All clips have been found on https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakouts
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public freakouts
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I love it when people say it was just 3 seconds like it took u 3 seconds to realize the traffic was moving
Great compilation and I love your soothing voice.
Perfect with a beer and a smoke!
That girl who hit the kid deserves to get beat
Quit talking between the clips! No one cares what you think
If the teacher was fat and ugly they would all be like “ ooooohhhhhh damn, WORLD STTAAAARRRR.!!!!!!”
6 year olds shouldn't be in street fi
Please i need the link to the black magic class video please please please
Scientologist? Omg get your language straight – you mean scientist
iam right about old men wow they are all crabby and nuts
Teacher plus a female hell yeah the defender had every right
Your ending is the same as ready to glare … just the photo
It's time to find the stone and wipe out 50% of mankind. But unlike Thanos, we will make sure to wipe only the crazies…
Punch justified ?
Watching these kinds of videos makes you realize there’s a lot of nuts walking among us. ?
There for a second I thought 4:32 was Lisa Lampanelli’s nasty ass ?
This woman is a ass she acting like the police
bruh, just let us watch stop explaining it
Awesome kid in first vid protecting his teacher, need more kids like that, respect everyone
1:25 some may call that unprofessional or could been handled better , well yeah but its loyalty .
Is this YOU memeology
Lmao i swear you commentating just to piss us off
Hit my kid you’d probably die. Great control mom?♀️
This channel is so underrated
I wish the mom hit that dumb ass girl
Lol Scientologist
Like the intro facecam boii
I felt so bad for the teacher
That kid got a crush on his teacher lol
You're doing great man keep it up
I'm glad your channel is going up, congrats and keep doing this awesome compilations, here is my "like", now move your car bro you are holding the traffic.
Have people always been this fucked up? Or has the internet just exposed all this nonsense, I feel like people weren’t this ridiculous when I was younger. IN MY DAAAYY
Good kid for standing up for the teacher. And I don't blame spiderman at all. I probably would of ran them down.
Honestly, the student in the beginning ended the fight. He even stopped the other student from taking cheap shots after he was downed.
Do when males or guys hit back compilation
Do fights compilation
I hate that fat lady for harassing the poor FedEx guy she probably has brain full of shit he was just enjoying a snickers
Somebody really wants an A ??
I feel bad for the last lady in the compilation.
She's obviously been treated shitty in her life and she is just fed up!
God bless her…
This content is so dope!
Do fights compilations bro