
Spread The Viralist

Experience the thrilling and vibrant live-action adaptation of the animated classic Aladdin, the exciting tale of the charming street rat Aladdin (Mena Massoud), the courageous, self-determined Princess Jasmine (Naomi Scott)-and Will Smith as the larger-than-life Genie who may be the key to their future!


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About the Author: Aladdín (Doblada)


  1. Exceeded my expectations. But it's never gonna come close to the original.

    They also made sure to shove a bunch of feminst bs in there like (new scenes)-
    Jasmines mother had a kingdom of her own?
    Jasmine "will not be silenced"? Jasmine is the new "sultan"?

    Get tf outta here.

    *It might take a while, but this feminist bs will die out.

  2. I honestly thought it was the perfect balance between nostalgia and refreshing newness. Loved it! The ending even made me tear up <3The acting in the beginning is kinda awkward. Naomi Scott's singing is so AMAZING that it seemed to overshadow Mena's. Otherwise, I loved the movie and all the details!

  3. The Geni was always funny from both comidians and Dj Kali helping make the music make sence because he is Indian after all witch fits the music for this movie and Jasmine always looking good and the actor who plays as Alladin done an excellent job in my opinion.

  4. انا من العراق ?? و تحياتي الا جميع العرب اذا انت عربي اكتبلي تعليق و اضقط لايك بس اهم شي اكتب تعليق لتثبت وجودك و الايك يثبت تعليقي من بين التعليقات لي هنا و بس ?

  5. I honestly thought it was the perfect balance between nostalgia and refreshing newness. Loved it! The ending even made me tear up <3
    The acting in the beginning is kinda awkward. Naomi Scott's singing is so AMAZING that it seemed to overshadow Mena's. Otherwise, I loved the movie and all the details!

  6. Great Movie, But, The whole time I was thinking " If my childhood of watching Will Smith movies has taught me anything, Will Smith will be rapping through the credits"

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