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About the Author: Fox Animals


  1. Worthless fucking africans. ? you need another serving of ebola, but id feel sorry for the worms, as even they deserve a better meal than you. Africa is NOT the heart of the world, the heart of the world is within people who HAVE A HEART. Fucking TRASH! ☣

  2. This video makes me wana track down whoever shot that cat and fucking beat you to deayh eith my bare hands. Now let that sink in you fucking cowards. Killing harmless animals dosent make you a man, youre the saddest excuse of a man and dont deserve to be a part of this human race, i prey for the day when the dead rises and youre skin gets peeled off as you cry and plead for your pathetic lives, youll have just enough time to consider all the suffering youve caused, your day of wreckoning will come. Im just sad i cant be the one to deliver it.

  3. Honestly as compared to tiger, the pig has a greater strength and stamina than tigers. But lacking a good weapons like that of tigers such as sharp claws and a good pointed nail like teeths makes them lose such battle.:'(

  4. Hklkopijkmkkiiiugh amiga eu gostei muito de ti mas o que que você tá fazendo Amiga eu não sei o que que você tá fazendo no áudio porque você tá assim muito burra tenta Ludmila

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