Please help us save more lives by making by small donation here: https://www.HopeForPaws.org
If you would like to adopt: Janis Joplin, Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix or Elton John, please visit our friends at: https://www.kittybungalow.org
Thank you JoAnn Wiltz and Katie McKittrick for saving them.
R.I.P Stevie.
#HopeForPaws #CatRescue #KittenRescue
I am proud of people like you. You are Angels in that world. Thank you for that ???
I love the fact you could save these loving and beautiful kittens!
Great ? job . Thanks you' are amazing team ?
She’s a German shepherd
Umm hope for paws can you help this dog I found?
I live in applegate 44 D
So please help
It’s a girl and she looks really a bad
I tried giving her water and she’s ok with that
But she looks like she’s need some treatments
My cat went missing 1 day ago ?? 1 like = 1 prayer for my cat to come back. He is only a kitten please send prayers?
RIP stevie
So sad for beautiful little Stevie, but at least she knew unconditional love in her last days. ?
May u rest in peace. I love u
great job!!!
great job 😉 thanks
So sad for steve
Rest in peace Stevie??????
I cant hold my tears for stevie, God bless this little ángel. Hugs and tears from Guadalajara México ???
I Really Want to Adopt one of them
But i live in Indonesian
Where's Mom?? Suggestion, Hope for Paws: you frequently complete the story of the kittens and leave the Mom out of it. I know you have the best of intentions, but can you let us know about the mother?
What a shame about that stunning white cat Stevie. It sounds like you are hissing at the cats when you make that sound. It scares them. I cried when watching this but happy for the ones that could be saved.
This video made me cry
Great names…now you need pink Floyd and led Zeppelin
What happened to the Mom cat?
Ummm the purring video before telling us yeah we had to euthanize was not necessary. Didn’t really want to be in tears after a full hard week.
Poor poor Stevie I love ya buddy I’m so so so sorry bud ??????❤️❤️❤️❤️????????
Where mum
aww there so cute sad about the one kitty
Stevie was and is beautiful, she is truly one of the prettiest cats I have ever seen. fly high little one ? you are loved and remembered by thousands.
Stevie was and is beautiful, fly high little one ? you are loved.
While I understand euthanasia and when it is necessary. I still feel that if the cat is ok at the moment it should be able to live it's life until it can't anymore. I don't like taking someone's life just cause "it will eventually happen". Stevie deserved some time happy whilst being in good care.
Awe this is great and it’s wonderful to see the remaining precious lives saved before it was too late. Also I know Stevie is watching her siblings in kitty heaven! Thanks so much hope for paws you guys are amazing! ?
Rest in peace Stevie 🙁
Sad to hear that virus killed the cat i suggest Malwarebytes it cleans your cat of all viruses!
Rest in peace Stevie, may god carry you through a safe journey to te afterlife.
Wheat happened the mum?
That animals are developing like this is a huge warning sign about the level of our environmental pollution. We need to clean it up.
Aww! There so cute, I'm sooo happy you saved them.
How do you know if a cat or dog is a female or male?? I’ve never had a pet so I dunno..