These rescue dogs finally got their second chance and are being flown to New York where they’ll be adopted by veterans.
To help them bring more dogs to their forever homes, you can support the Pittsburgh Aviation Animal Rescue Team: http://thedo.do/paart.
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For the love of animals. Pass it on.
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My dad is veteran, I'm trying to convince him to get other dog. RIP sharpie
Amazing and heartfelt!
great work guys, keep it up
Thank you for every single animal you save. It makes a difference.
Totally want to see more of these opportunities In the future!
The Kentucky Prison system does a great job training dogs. I’m so glad for these dogs.❤️
Thanks for everyone help them. I❤️u and Bon voyage✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️
Great vid never shop always adopt!!
All an actor/singer needs to do is show up at a shelter and the animals would all be adopted.
Thank you Pittburgh Air Rescue Group ..your awesome.. As a Female Vietnam era Navy Veteran God Bless you 🙂
Those jail/prison programs are so amazing!! The programs teach the prisoners how to fully understand compassion, patience, love, joy & so many of the other tasks & emotions that come with training dogs/animals!! They give the prisoners something to work towards, to look forward to something that helps animals & people is such an amazing way!! I saw a Dodo vid where a prisoner in 1 of these programs & when he was released he started working in the ASPCA as an animal investigator, literally spending his days saving animals & he loved it!! These kinds of programs save both ppl & animals!! Please don’t judge a book by it’s cover & be safe everyone!!
These animals have such short life. 14 years if they are lucky. If anyone could put up or tolerate an annoying X- WIFE, investing that many years with fourlegged friend, consider yourself luck and being blessed. Just remember the fact that its your dog that greet you the second that you turn your key to your front door.
My heart is full from the title alone, and then I see the puppies and just melt. I love my dogs so much. Thank you for being an angel to all of those sweet dogs, making it possible for them to have good loving homes. ❤️??
Thank you for giving these dogs a chance to live happy lives. Would like to know when the last dog gets adopted. How do we find out about him/ her?
Every dog or cat my family had were all from shelters .The best loyal pets you will ever get.
If the title of the video was "These Rescue Dogs Are About To Be Shot Out Of A Cannon," now that would have gotten my attention.