not a single brain cell to be found in the whole city. You guys just look like one big, bad joke
What a shame
Brothers?? Dang dey killing enemies then
WorldStar !!!!
CTFU@yo cartoon name bro ACTION BUCKY WTF you damn sure said it enough fuckin times.
The move people never anticipate when you jump up high and knock on that jaw! Bro in the white should've employed that. Works best when your a little shorter.
Lmao action cam bucky
This is what our ancestors died for. Take a good look. So sad. This use to be a nice little jewish neighborhood and then these people moved in. Its always nice to see a brother pull another brother down here in Wilmington, Delaware.
lol Seth!
@cyalljockin I grew up in Wilmington, but now i'm in New Castle. And I can't wait to leave! I hate Delaware!
this nigga the geek ctfu
Black people are sooo gay
4real!!! Yo bro nigga fuck nigga
Why is he fighting his bro like that
He got back up though that man is pretty tough
I'm so happy I got out of that Shit hole called Wilmington smh
I'm sleep
action cam bucky? coop?
not a single brain cell to be found in the whole city. You guys just look like one big, bad joke
What a shame
Brothers?? Dang dey killing enemies then
WorldStar !!!!
CTFU@yo cartoon name bro ACTION BUCKY WTF you damn sure said it enough fuckin times.
The move people never anticipate when you jump up high and knock on that jaw! Bro in the white should've employed that. Works best when your a little shorter.
Lmao action cam bucky
This is what our ancestors died for. Take a good look. So sad. This use to be a nice little jewish neighborhood and then these people moved in. Its always nice to see a brother pull another brother down here in Wilmington, Delaware.
lol Seth!
@cyalljockin I grew up in Wilmington, but now i'm in New Castle. And I can't wait to leave! I hate Delaware!
this nigga the geek ctfu
Black people are sooo gay
4real!!! Yo bro nigga fuck nigga
Why is he fighting his bro like that
He got back up though that man is pretty tough
I'm so happy I got out of that Shit hole called Wilmington smh