League of Legends Top 5 Fails Week 3 | LoL Funny Moments & Best Fails (Protatomonster LoL 2017). This video features some of our top fails and funny moments in a countdown compilation!
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?Have any funny fails? Oh, we know you do ?… be sure to send them our way for a chance to be featured : http://www.protatomonster.com/upload
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5- ciaran93 on Syndra
4- SirLagsalots on Yasuo
3- Outfit on Fiora
2- Gnarrkill on Soraka
1- iC3 nJoy on Thresh
Bonus- ROCOSO Esponja on Lee Sin
►Music in this League of Legends video by Epidemic Sound (http://www.epidemicsound.com)
▼Published by: Protatomonster
▼Edited by Cellybeary: https://www.youtube.com/user/halfhalfie
►League of Legends Top 5 Fails Week 3. LoL WTF Funny Moments, Best Fails, and Random Moments.
As always, thanks for watching everyone and thanks for any and all support you give the video/Celly <3 He's always looking to improve so please comment some constructive feedback (or compliments if you please :D) in the comments below. He's trying his best to mold this series to what you guys want and I think so far he's been doing an awesome job. Any new series, especially ones that are commentated, start off a little rough around the edges so we'll work on it to make it as great as we can! Cheers and have a good one!
Some of these aren't fails though
Where send fail videos?
Not sure about this but is ciaran pronounced the same as Kieran
That syndra one, haha .Epic
#2 is the reason soraka is cancer
I love how you can just hear the ???????????
Never change, league communit
❥❥❥Hé lеs gars ❥, vous devriez vooоous dépecher❥ si vous voulez rattraper❥ avec cette chance❥ , je viens me suis ❥3250 RP libre❥, je sais qu'il n'y a pas beaucoup (en réalité , il est tout a fait) mais vous ne pas avoir a partager des liens vers obtenir des références ou tel, vous ❥ ne devez pas donner une passe, voir ici ❥ #https://twitter.com/6a5dc97415ad2bc9f/status/719122050204508160 ❥❥❥❥
I love this channel because of the top tier editing 😀
hello world, does anyone want to buy/trade ? i'm selling my LoL account lvl 30, gold division, 115 champs with a lot of skins..
That quality edit tho
I'm so mad at this commentator because I'm getting confused boners with his voice.
Pretty cool format i quite enjoy watching it every time, i always hoped that this channel is doing more of such top 5 plays or something like that ^^
dude how kataraina falshed twice ?
the first guys name is pronounced ciaran with k sound lol
Who muted his voice ?
that bonus clip…feelsbadman
im nigga
Celly my baby!!!!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK CELLY u doing great <3
pls, no more clips w/o commentary
That's my boy celly.
Only criticism i have is the quick breaths you take after a sentence, it really annoys me
Please stop posting yasuo plays, hes everywhere. Give some space to less played gods. Thats only my suggestion
Wtf the bonus. Kata did 2 flash
I love you celly great job man as always, love to see more of you on this channel and more vids on your channel as well. Much love
I need motivation
1 like = -1 Motivation
2:42 like it landed
I really like his voice #nohomo
edit : and the extra edit! was neat
I like this portion more than those LCS highlights and Mashed Protatoes which fucking 10minute long and is done now for the views.
the commentating is pretty good but the plays are taken from bronze games? definitely not diamond as the logo change at the start of the video suggests…
it feels more like a narration the commentating … feels awkward
He did a great job!
Top 5 plays 99% wombo combos Top 5 fails 99% tower divesThis is starting to get rly annoying
Sadly unsubscribing, 2 much clickbait.
I'll miss the channel, tho. ):
haha! i would say nicely done but for some reason i feel that would be inappropriate here :DD #2 was my favourite!
gotta love celly
soraka top new meta