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Near death experiences and close calls captured by gopro
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Adventures by A Himitsu https://soundcloud.com/a-himitsu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music released by Argofox https://youtu.be/8BXNwnxaVQE
Music provided by Audio Library https://youtu.be/MkNeIUgNPQ8
Dreams by Dj Quads https://soundcloud.com/aka-dj-quads
Music provided by Audio Library https://youtu.be/F34Ng3fmJyU
Stupid fucking granny
And this is why i don’t go outside?
Poor shark … or not?
You might want to make the shark cages …I don't know….uh… SHARK PROOF!….just saying
"Hey dude, what are you doin'?"
"Not much… just hanging out. Hey can you do me a big favor?"
“Nobody’s in the cage!”
dude comes out of the cage
Nothing in the world bores me more than
snow videos..avalanche…ski videos …I don't know why but it's annoying AF…also annoying is the loud fucking static noise inbetween each clip.
AVALANCHE get to the chapa
Good thing James Hetfield had his agent on speed dial.
I feel bad for grammy
2:20 The shark goes "Enough with this cowardly cage crap! Hold my fish and watch this!"
Dude the old lady looks absolutely terrified. Me too, lady, me too. I’d never want to go skydiving
That's why people are insane..
1:50 – 2:15 ….. ?
I cant remember the last time I was listen to this epic of music while looking at grandma underwear. Thanks for that.
7:14 You shouldn't make holes in line with each other if you're on a sheet of ice.
Why didn't skydivers steer away from a plane, could you not see it in the vastness of the sky? WTF?She was still giving a thumbs up before whatever occurred. Impact,shredding, what,killin me.
I remember this,Thank god she quit skydiving after this. I commented long ago, you can't do this stuff if your a fat blob. You need to recover if something happens. DO NOT GO beyond your potential. If you do so you are taking your own life in your hands.Do NOT let anyone talk you into doing dumb shit.
@2:40 Real life Matt Hooper from "Jaws"!
I kinda feel bad for the first old woman….I mean….I doubt she knew what she was getting into?
When a lady turns 80 you don’t fucking skydive, that could give them a heart attack, also that’s a deathwish.
Also the dumbest thing is those cages, any shark can break them so what’s the use of even trying to get in one, that’s honestly a death wish.
Old girl should've worn a diaper!!! "And for my 81st birthday party piece, I'm going down a ramp in my wheelchair……………..!!!!"
Shows entire game of tomb raider
Do a fappening vid
2:27 it nearly went like the movie 47 metres down
How did it even happen is what I want to know
Intro music sucks
1:45 dont worry her fat is the parachute
Guys with the shark cage learned the hard way that sharks can’t swim backwards.
I not doing that
After all that she like 2:14