Yesterday Kitten Lady rescued 3 newborn kittens: Boomba, Bumble, and Bee. In this video you can see their rescue story, and learn how to care for abandoned newborn kittens in your own home. Please subscribe for more kitten videos!
Don’t forget to follow my kitten rescue adventures on Instagram at @kittenxlady and on Facebook at Facebook.com/kittenxlady !
Why all animal babies(like dog, cat, rabbits) look like rat??
Poor mom loses kittens. ?
Ive been watching your videos for 3 days and this is the first time my kitten got really concerned about the babies cries
Why does she just do rescue video and never the follow up on how they progress, if they turn out ok, for adopted later etc.?
I love cats and I actually ran a drive for animals and raised over 2000 dollars for a local animal shelter I want to to exactly what you do when I'm older I'm 11 I've already spayed and neutered 4 cats
I low key found three kittens ledt to die in a beer box, kinda using this to help
Got a bottle, but definitely gonna try the syringe
I found one kitten that looked about 1 week under my house and my dad said that at 9 AM he heard meowing and he said there was no mom we left him alone abut after a lot more hours there was still no sign of a mom we were checking the whole time so my dad told me to pick him up and feed him..I want to keep him but I don't know what to do..are we making the right decision? I wanted to go to the animal foundation to see if they could tell me if I am fit to take care of a baby kitten..and I almost had a panic attack because I thought I took a baby away from it's mama..I might have I don't know..?
how do i know about it's mom.? no signs of her. plz help
hello miss kitten lady i need ur urgent help. i found this newly born kitten in my yard under a bush. no signs of mother since morning and its meowing continuously. plz tell me what to do
i tries to feed it with syringe but ut is mot drinking. plz help asap. thanks
Kitten lady I'm freaking out!!!! My cat 4 babies and then her uterus prolasped and I had to take her for emergency surgery! I'm caring for the babies right now I've bought the milk, bottles and clothes to help them go potty and a small heating pad set on low with a cover but I worry I may not be doing it well! Any advice?!!!
Awww at 5:00 it sounded like she was talking. ?
How in the world is this two years ago!!! I remember whine it was uploaded just an hour ago!
Time has flown by! Love you Hannah! ?
It should have been honey, bumble, and bee ?
my mom cat is putting the 2-week old kittens on the cold hard flor I don't know what to she not doing anything and I don't have feeding stuff
Girl:I like the booty
Kitten lady:u like the booty Amazing
the cats names make: Boomba Bumble Bee
My husband brought me two newborns with wettish umbical cords. They will be four weeks on Thursday. They are little piggies when it comes to eating! My dog loves to help them go potty. Idk if that’s okay, but all three animals are fine and happy.
My problem is I have to leave for a week. My husband works and can only bottle feed them like three times s day. I’m. Or leaving for two days so I was hoping to introduce the slurry today and tomorrow. Can I leave some crushed up and softened kitten food and s slurry for them during the daytime? I have not one person that will help me take care of them while I’m gone, just hubby. (I live VERY rurally, no neighbors or friends)
My Cat hears the babies meowing and hes looking cor them rn
He used to take car of his younger siblings for his mom and hes searching for kittens rn to cuddle with Lol ? my boy wants another buddy
When the three kittens form the shape of a heart
What if i don't have that syringe
Those kittens are so cute!!!!!!! But when you had the notebook out for writing the weight and stuffs it really bugged me because it had a pen already and you were using a different one!!!!!!!
I watch ur vids evryday
Ur amazing
I would love u to help me with this situation xc
Tell us about that round heating pad
You are a great teacher.I learning more and more ,no cat ,but I hopeful some day ,I will have a little friend to.
Kid: I wIpEd ThE bOoTy
Where can i get that kind of nipple?
These Rock!
I know one truth, you are a tranny! A man dressed as a woman!
And he’s so cute and he was find and wasn’t sick yay
We saved a baby kitten he was there for 2days we saved his life
Love. It
Your awsome
Where did you get that notebook? I love how it has a holder for a pen
i watched your videos , i ended up saving 2 kittens but found another newborn in my front yard and my spouse told me to leave it b/c we have enough 4 is enough , but noticed in the past if the mothers won't keep them they have medical problems etc , the 2 we saved were small and now over a yr old and not very big at all
How do we find out how they did?
that looks hard
your kittens are soso cute