Hulk’s medical bills are very high… from torn muscles, a broken jaw and shattered teeth – this guy needed a lot of help. Please make a small donation and help us cover the cost of this rescue: http://www.HopeForPaws.org
Hulk is now in an amazing foster home, and he is waiting for a special family to adopt him. He loves other dogs, loves to play, loves belly rubs, loves good food and most of all – LOVES to SNUGGLE!!!
To adopt him, please contact our friends at: http://www.PawPrintsInTheSand.org
Thank you so much for sharing this video on your favorite social media network 🙂
#HopeForPaws #DogRescue #DogVideos
This made me cry thank you saving this dog
2:42 "His bone is sticking out, is that okay?"
"No, no it's not."
I would’ve adopted this dog in a heartbeat if I didn’t just stumble on the video now.
What a beautiful dog. He’s lucky there’s people like you in the world.
Your the best
Panicking and shouting is not going to calm a dog down
Pitbul a bak kedi gibi sorun köpekte değil yetiştiren eğitende
Tell her to be careful
Tell them to be carful
I love you thank god you exist, god has angels every where, love from greece
ive came across dogs cats and squirells split in half along those tracks…BLUE LINE Los Angeles
Hulks a fighter
His arm was tore ???????????????????
f……….. i cry
That made me cry??? and it was sad but it made me feel happy
I want him so bad?
Who ever disliked this they should be ashamed
very sad
He seems so much more better and he is so cute
Omg !!! Poor baby doggi
I just hope an even human didn’t slice him . Since some humans are evil .
Such a good doggi
Man I wish I won the lottery big time. I’d donate like 20k a month to these guys. And not to mention adopt some of these doggies.
Would be better if you didn’t make it so dramatic when trying to catch him.
2:45 omg im crying rn i didnt think it was that bad
This is so emotional