Wildlife Medics – Lion Rescue
A lion with a broken leg was spotted in the Tsavo Conservation area.
This film shows the cooperation between The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, The Kenya Wildlife Service and Ngutuni Wildlife Sanctuary during the emergency intervention.
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Filmed by
Shazaad Kasmani Wildlife Cameraman
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#shazaadkasmani #lionrescue #animalrescue
Thank you
which institution do you work with?
Excellent to see these beautiful animals cared for. I was in Kenya a few weeks back. We saw an injured lion with 2 brothers. Our guide did notify the authorities and I believe he was taken care of. I am a supporter for the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, they do so much to care for the wildlife of Kenya. Thanks for your great video.
This man is not man this man is a lord and I selut this work.
Jai hind jai bharat.
Good job God bless you
I love my animals
Tanks so much to help animals bra.
Your a kasmani
thanks for all
वेरी नाइस वेरी नाइस
Good job well done boys for new life to lion
Kya ser thik ho gaya
So, what happened to the lion? Did the vets save the leg?
What happened with the lion ? You can’t leave us all hanging like this !!!
Kasian ya Allah semoga sembuh lagi wahai mahluk allah
Great job..god bless u all..
Good work…
What a majestic animal it is…i can't just remove the glare of those brown eyes from my mind.
Anyway how he is doing now, could anyone please tell me ?
May God bless you all.
That's the way called humanize.. love it
hi brother plz upload more videos fr us plz brother ??brother plz take care u r self while u r giving medicines…..brother we are waiting to see more videos …plz share brother… Jesus blessings with you ???
i think is hyena's attack
hi brother really u r doing soo hard work.. that is fr lion.. u r saving totally wild life.. thank full to u.. because you are saving them.. and Jesus blessings always with you and each and every seconds.. plz share more videos.. once again Thank u so much… ???
Why there is so much flies on him
Thank you for giving this Beautiful male lion another chance at life, hope he's doing well, can't wait to hear more on his treatment and well being?❤
Too enotional to see misery in the eyes of the King of the jungle ?
a ese leon tiene la enfermedad del
sueño ,y la picao una mosca tse tse
y además tiene difteria neotropical
the leg was set ? he was let go ?
awesome touching a lion even sedated.. wooh !
Young male probably got jumped by a gang of hyenas. They tend to encircle young lions and bite their backs when the lion is busy being attacked from the front.
You guys are doing great work for animals. What are the medicine which you people have been used for chemical immobilisation with their dose rate, if you are able to suggest it will be usefull in rescue of animals in other parts of the world.
My goodness,that is not just a lion!It's fucking Ts'avo lion!Finally they are now considered a separate subspecies which must have been evident for whoever ever just seen one!And these are the only ones that are never tamed or trained and will never be,because they are nuts as hell!While barbary lions are the best and many of them are actually possible to live with people in their house,at least I do know personally a man which owns the pair of pure breed barbary lions,which regularly have cubs and at least the male is very good tempered so that I was able to cuddle him!And they are going to hunt local wildlife in nearby forests in order to keep him a lion and they successfully do that while living in the same house with him for many years!
Yes and about other African lions you might see a lot of videos about Taigan park in Crimea where people are allowed to cuddle and take photos with them,in an opened huge enclosure with 80+ adult lions,none of which are de-fanged,de-clawed,neutered or drugged!
Yes and there was a famous family in Soviet union that kept one normal lion without any issues in their house for his entire life and than they were unfortunately gifted with a Ts'avo insane and completely..predictable male lion cub!And as predictable as he was he did kill all the family once he got 3 years old,because that is what happens with owner of exactly Ts'avo lion!Those are the only subspecies that when get mature-can and do tear apart their fathers if those are unable to just kick those out of the pride-and after that those who are left as new candidates for throne in their own pride do fight each other until the strongest kicks all the rest of his brothers out and yes,starts first of all killing his younger siblings and mating with their own mothers,aunts and sisters,while the thing which is called "brotherhood" or "brother ties",is not existent among Ts'avo lions!And that is why there are never more than one male in any of those mad prides!And so in case with humans-yes,while barbaries are relatively predictable but 99% will be good to live with people in their house,and won't cause any problems through their lives,African but not Ts'avo are less predictable but usually professionals and just lucky people are good friends of these,but not always at all-and when it comes to Ts'avo lions..Yes,these are 100% predictable:they will kill their owner at the age of less than 3 years!
God bless these men. It inspires me to see such love that people like them have for animals. Thank you all for being God's healers!
Lovely job
I wish I could have used a comb to brush his hair…there were so many worms…
What do you think happened to him? Was it a bigger male lion?
great job everybody !. Shazaad canyou tell us if this big boy is safe and again roaming the african plains ?? thank you.
ppl who dislike are fkn losers.Cowards feel happy to see a lion dieng
I M Film Maker In Bollywood Film Industries.At.Mumbai.Maharashtra.India????Please Send Me your Contact Number As Possible. THANKS
parabéns, Deus vos abençoe grandimente ????
que Deus abençoe cada dia de vcs ??
Really great job!
Good job done