The massive hole near Moti’s ear must have hurt so badly, but his tail wagged when he greeted his rescuers and he was the best little patient ever. He had a very serious maggot wound with dozens of small tunnels bored through his flesh. We removed the maggots, cleaned and dressed the wound, changing his bandages daily for several weeks. We felt that because of his loving nature he thrived on care and attention and this helped him heal especially fast. Street animal rescue saved darling Moti’s life. Please donate. www.animalaidunlimited.org/donate.html
Adorable dog???
Vi ringrazio dal profondo del cuore per tutto ciò che fate per la salvezza di queste povere anime. Guardo sempre i vostri video, mi emoziono sempre
i am so happy when i saw this video
can we donate some money for them ?????
i love dogs
you are doing i great job
hands off for you gays
thank you a lot
where is your branch ???
can we visit???
Where can I donate how much do you need.
Parabéns pra vocês!! Belo trabalho!!
Free hepl no money bro
Вы лучшие!!! Спасибо Вам,за то что спасли много животных!!!?
Sir gondia,maharasta me aisa koi trust ho to rpl me no.de please??????
Come of animal please
Dog: pls help me
Girl: yuck your dirty get out!
after healing
Girl: can i adopt this dog?
Dog: yuck your heart is dirty get out!
people dont abuse dogs help them to inspire mother nature
God save the India.
And the saddest part about all of this is they don’t show the dogs that die…???
I literally almost broke my dogs leg. I felt extremely bad.
I see a big smile and happines in dog's face ?
We need more people like you guys
Please put ads on your videos, so that we can help you to help them.
Dumb deslike like pro
Este amor fraternal de vocês é emocionante e comovente, vendo como vocês resgatam e cuidam de todos os animais que estão ao alcance de vocês. Este amor é lindo demais e serve de grande exemplo para os que vêem os animais adondonados e mal tratados sofrendo e não os ajudam, sendo que muitos têm condições de resgatarem e cuidarem mas não o fazem, porque falta amor no seus corações só pensam em si próprios e as demais coisas que acontecem não importa para eles. Eles e os seus, indo bem, que se dane o restante, que triste é a falta de amor fraternal no coração do homem, mas que Deus abençoe todos vocês de bom coração e que são amorosos, que Deus de a todos vocês grande recompensa em tudo que vocês fazem para ajudar todos os animais que estão carentes da vossa ajuda. Vocês cuidam com amor e carinho, que Deus os abençoe, amo vocês e Deus os ama muito mais.
Conheci através do Encrenca!! ??
What a sweet old man. Thanks for the love n care you gave him and all the strays you save. God bless.
God bless?????
Pourquoi les habitants ne s'investissent pas plus pour sauver les animaux décidément c'est partout pareil
Amém Deus abençoe ??????
Lindooossss parabéns a todos vocês, que faz esse trabalho maravilhoso Deus abençoe sempre ???????????
Спасибо вам,отличная работа,низкий поклон за любовь к животным.
Im trying to negotiate to buy Mrm Tom Gentile's "Alpha9" course, in order to fund some of these type of rescue teams.
Goal: order Tom Gentile's course…and give 10% of all income past 50k to such organizations; pharmaceutical needs, food, shelter, etc.
Many thousands of animals need help; just about money. Always is.
جازاكم الله خيرا
Oh thank you the wonderful Animal Aid unlimited for helping this poor little dog .what a transformation! Will be donating again . Need more rescue groups like you in India & elsewhere
The maggots actually helped him by eating the dead tissue in his wound. They don't eat living flesh, only that which has already decayed. It's why the wound looks exceptionally clean and pink. That would have been a zero sum game for the dog eventually since the wound was so deep but there was some infection there the maggots did take care of. Maggots are used in therapy for humans sometimes as well, often with diabetes-related necrosis of the feet.
Thank you?
Qué seres más maravillosos sois! Muchísimas gracias por tantos rescates!
مشكورين مشكورين كادر انامل الطيبين
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