These male icy water giants would do anything to protect their harems – and they’re not afraid to fight.
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"These male icy water giants would do anything to protect their harems – and they're not afraid to fight."
Sounds like a title for a movie starring Steven Seagal playing the part of a "seal" he's now more suited for…
Anyone here from the Futurama episode?
"He defends a Ha-reem of females"
All my Futurama lovers, where you at?
0:05 Bird: meh
Sea doggos
Aw yeah! Survival of the fattest!
My second favorite seal (first being leopard seals).
I love just how different leopard and elephant seals are… Leopard seals are snake-like, and beautiful and elegant.
Elephant seals are fat and noisy, but also adorable in their own ways.
Male elephant seal vs orca who wins?
You know elephant seals have thick skin so nothing can accilelly harm it but a elephant seal can
0:21 Damn, people really be living in mansions in the middle of no where.
Elephant seals: FIGHT TO THE DEATH
Bird: walks by without taking notice
BBC: He wants to fight for a mate
Back off, losers! Stay away from my beaches!
Futurama did it better
very grotesque
1:31 Omg I'm so high, needa smash to reproduce.
0:55 imagine being just born and having your eyes packed full of sand.
They sound more like farts ??
Bender: Uh yeah! Survival of the fattest!
1:16 you on the toilet after having a nice big Tocobell lunch.
Nooo the animals seem so helpless I hate it
3:26 the pain from BC
1:31 “ohhhhh shhhiiiiittttt!! The old mans coming!!”
2x speed is where it’s at
This is now my favorite animal
They looks so funny ?? but I love it
He looks like Trump
Sex fort is on lock!
He's as greedy as they come.
they so SLOW but they never gonna lose a fight they be like
That One Seagull: "Kill yourselves for all I care. I got some food to find."
They look like humongous snuffaluffagus
Who else thought that was its poop at 0:40
Wow, that's horrifying?! And I thought they were cute!
They’re so big and they are shaped like my fat dachshund. I kind of want to just saddle one up and ride it into the sea
What documentary is this from?
whya re there birds just chillin in all ur battle vids
Hey look it's Hyness!
0:05 that bird like fight fight fight!