Ohho, Mori Surprise To Play Charming Animal With Mom ( Thao Do”s Gift)
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If it was furry it would think it was its mommy.
Mori happy playing with new a toy ?
Moir looking nice in her dress and she is enjoying her new toy.
Que linda a Mori de vestidinho. Parabéns
Mori está linda com seu brinquedo e seu vestido ameiii muito esperta.
Good video, greeting ? que Lady Mori ?
How cute she likes her new toy
Why did you put the doll’s dress on Mori ? She looks absolutely ridiculous, she is NOT a toy, she is a MONKEY and doesn’t need dresses.
Hi baby Mori. U're cute & pretty wearing dress. Happy playing.. luv u ?
I love your channel and i love your amazing beautiful family and dodo and mori
Aaawwww, my little doll❤?
Kiss you sweet girl?
hahaa morine is funny, that bambi is cool , i wish dodo can play too ?
Who is the other person in the video (sitting next to the bed, right corner)?
Good ? Dores Mori !
Que bella esta baby mori
Foolish mori.Does your stupid mom knows that you are idiot.dont know to play with a toy.wearing frock makes you look more stupid
Wow soopper mori new dress ?
Mori ??????????????
Mori é muito inteligente e sensível…preciosa linda!
Agora só falta vcs educar Dodô, impor limites à ele.
Oww??…..gracias mamá y papá por fin nuestra mori linda esta vestida como una princesita????…y nuestro dodito bello como un principe??
Mi Mori linda ? ese juguete si que te gusto, te ves muy bella, que alegría verte así con tu vestido nuevo???????
Qué lindo el vestido de Mori se ve linda♥
She looks so pretty on her new dress. Love you princess mori???
Mori looks like a princess
I love her new dress she looks beautiful. She needs to wear more of them. ❤️??I love watching her play she is so cute
Baby mori enjoy playing ?
Mori2x ???beautiful dress ?wr is u'r brother Dodo?
Mori looks such a darling in that hot pink dress and she really is enjoying riding that toy animal. Haha so cute ?
صباح لخير ♡ ☆ ♡ جميل وشكرا لكم وصيل ♡ ☆ ♡
É lindo o brinque do ….mori uma princesa da mamãe. ..
My little angel she’s look more beautiful on her dress!!❤️❤️❤️???
Babys have very good gift.
Como se diverti, e a mamãe se diverti junto, né mamãe ? BEIJOS BRASIL ??????????????
Oooh pense que me había equibocado de canal???????pero no es mi pequeña Mori ???con vestido y juguete .gracias Papi y Mami? bonita sorpresa ??❤❤????
Mori is Super so cute ❤❤❤