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About the Author: Themovieguy36


  1. The first video is one of the only videos I have seen that has actual believable evidence of a spirit. Most videos seem faked or nothing is there at all but this looked legit…. that guy and even the others, looked legit scared..And around 10:28 when the chair is moving. I remember that video from a long time ago… Seems pretty legit too. I never know tho…

  2. I'm not saying something intentionally wrapped the round wire around his neck but when he was "exploring" the attic he accidentally walked into the round wire, it's a theory but somethings can explain supernatural experiences

  3. this is not proof that ghost of dead people exist.. it is proof that demons are doing this to confuse alot of people just to get them away from the truth.. because thats what it is… and there is no proof at all that it is of long dead poeple when the bible says that the dead do NOT come back to huant the living.. and so the only thing it is possible is that it is demons and evil spirits. thats all it is and when people do find the truth out there would be no reason and they would not want to be believing in things that do not exist

  4. When exploring or communicating with elementals, hidden people, gnomes, etc. we can and should protect ourselves to recite this mantra of protection from Tibet 108 times a day: Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha. It is important that we protect ourselves always.

  5. same stories just recycled into a different "documentary" there hasn't been anything new in a very long time and the story about Jackie and her haunted place has been told at least 20 different times in different documentaries.

  6. (Your a man read this)I stayed 24 hrs on my laptop then went to sleep and when I tried I was shaking super fast like someone is shaking me so creepy and I dreamt of my mom turning into a scary ass women from a movie who wants her child and she died in a river and I saw a clone of my mom super scary ;( this happend when I was in 3th grade I think my old house is haunted and we left it and went back to our home

  7. I honestly never believed this shit until I recorded myself playing bass one night, completely silent, and I caught that stupid generic whispering evp voice on it. I thought the ghost hunter idiots just made it up but there it was

  8. They're all demons and you better get rid of them in the name of Jesus Christ they're not people they're not your friends are not your cousins are not your relatives they act like people so you won't get rid of them

  9. The dripping substance of the first video is similar to what happened at my old house. It was caused due to the previous owners being heavy smokers that smoked in the house and tried to hide it by painting over it. Any time there was high humidity or just high heat in the house, the tar would start to liquefy and seep through the paint.

  10. The problem I have with all these clips is how 'convienant' it was that these things happened
    when someone had a camera or it was while a
    a camera was fixed in a certain position.
    I have experienced three situations now,that
    simply can't be explained,but when I remember
    how frozen I was when they happened,I know
    there's no way I could have held a camera or
    spoke to them ( like on Ghost Adventures!).
    You want to be away from what's happening
    around you,not to stand there and communicate!

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