top 10 most extreme sports
This video shows
the extreme sport that involves risk, adrenaline, speed, jumps from heights, deep diving, climbing and more.
For the most extreme sports is needed the highest level of physical exertion and highly specialized gear and equipment.
Video created in educational purposes
Clearly these young people have never been convinced or their own mortality. They've never felt the Grim Reaper's chill breath down the back of their necks. In 1970 I was involved in the crash of a small aircraft and came within 5 feet of dropping 40 feet into a box canyon. Three days later I was within a mile of an EF-1 tornado and then 2 hours later I was within 2 miles of the 5th most destructive tornado on record – an EF-5 with 3 sub vortexes which wreaked a path of near-total destruction a MILE WIDE! Six weeks later I had a blowout in the rain on a freeway during rush hour. My vehicle climbed up on a guard rail and slid sideways some 40 ft coming off a scant 3 ft before a 45 ft drop into a concrete lined storm culvert. Six weeks after that I turned 19 and was well aware of my own mortality. In the intervening 5 decades I have been less than a mile from two other tornadoes as well as almost being in 3 other near airplane crashes one of whom involved enough gasoline spilling out into the belly of a cargo plane to equal over 50 sticks of dynamite! If the people doing those extreme sports (especially that dingleberries-for-brains idiot hanging one handed over a very long drop) had had the close brushes with death that I've had, I suspect they might consider going into a less extreme sport.
None of these compare at all to a sport I’ve taken upon myself on a daily basis…it makes all of these look like simple childs play…Marriage, I’ve seen the toughest and most men be broken by it….?
Friend: how's life treating you?
Me: 7:03
The 2nd to last is ssx lol
24 minutes without breath?!?
Do you have any problems with copyright? A lot of this content is from others' channels.
If this came out in May update your info. The highest altitude jump has now been beaten by a Google exec at 130,000 ft.
24 minutes and no brian damage? NOICE!
N dis is y we need white people.
Where are my other moto guys?
Bill mullins u have a very active imagination…
Does anyone else feel like this video was made by an A.I for other A.I's?
Jesus Christ, I felt queasy just watching. Death wish.
So you make profit by stealing other people's videos, mixing them together and branding this as "educational" ??? way to go…
Narrated by siri
The commentary is absolutely…… Hmmmmmm, incredible ……
"Freedivers dive to incredible great depths & they break the laws of physics"
Hold my Wetsuit ….. I got an important call to make on my iPhone Ouiji Board App
" Yo operator … Yea put me through to my man Albert, last name EINSTEIN … with an E"
Script is bad. Narration even worse.
a normal guy when start to jump : " GOD I'M COMING"
man that 23min breath hold is insane
For me this was hard to even watch, scary stuff.
driving and texting in Miami traffic didn’t make it to the list ?
Big wave surfeng ?????????
Big wave surfing ???
What are the statistics for these idiots, yes I said idiots, that get killed doing this stupid shit
Death wish,just saying
We are all going to die, so maybe go the way you choose,
Uh, Formula 1? those drivers experience speeds of up to 360km/h on the straights and on some corners up to 200km/h because of the immense downforce the cars generate. at such speeds through a tight bend drivers experience forces of up to 3.5g, thats almost more than a fucking astronaut take off. Its like a rollercoaster, except 10 times more forces, you're in control of it, a risk of death(albeit small), and you have to sit in it for 2 hours, being pressurized by other drivers in a competition.
At 2:22 , when he seems to be running along a shoreline before entering the surf in front of him, but clearly is running under water, WTF is happening?? To have waves lapping on a"shore" and the diver running apparently under water? Is he (and I know this may be stupid,but..) running in a trapped bubble of air that is under great pressure trapped at such depth?? Thick air so to speak? Have mercy, I come to you with honest curiosity and gots to know!!
How would they get out of the hole
anyone else get crazy tingly balls watching this shit
where is the thing on the thumbnail?
Fu** that ???
Does the guy get out alive at 10.28 ??
Turn the volume down because the commentary will drive you insane.
Good job!
Wow !!!!
Where is Nik Wallenda upon Grand Canyon, don’t you know about him?
Isle of man tt
love these ai generated videos, the future really is gonna be great
Аж яйца сжались….
Makes me wonder how cool it would be to be the first one to try some of these things.
you have forgotten ISLE OF MAN TT
2:21 Where?
Unprotected sex with a hooker is safer than some of these sports.
I have aquaphobia so when it showed the diver looking down into the black abyss that got me so scared, especially when he dived in ??