A mother bear finds a new spot to catch fish, another black bear arrives to steal her territory. Will the mother bear survive?
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Natural World: Ghost Bear
In the vast wilderness of Canada’s west coast lie forests that are home to North American black bears that through a quirk of genetics are born pure white and known as ghost bears. Canadian film-maker Jeff Turner and his own family spend a year following a she-bear and its cubs as they coped with the constant threat of hunger and potential predators all around.
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Not the same with an Americans accent ?
Black bear didn't want to catch a case if he smacked her
3rd bear mustve took off with goldy and ate all the poorage.
Thas meam
I'm from Terrace and no one has ever referred to these white black bears as "ghost bears". They are kermodes or spirit bears. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kermode_bear
I love how they are like, "then the male bear decided to leave because of the confrontation", as they cut and edit it right at the part where he was leaving, he probably stayed there for a good while and left on his own before they edited it.
White Bear was on her bloody rag
Is that a polar bear?
she is feminist
I love her coat and that's how white moms behave.
At First:
Female: Gib. Gib fish
Male: Oh. Okay. Here you go.
Eats fish
Female: Gib more fish
Male: You can just get another
Eats more fish
Male: Walks away. Looks back. Bitch. I'm calling Cub Services tommorow.
90% of the comments : " the black bear is a true gentleman".
And they are right?
bitches gonna bitching
I think the male was full and left. If he wanted to get in a fight with the female, she must flee asap.
White Bear is being racist to Black Bear.
All animals can be racist to every animals.
Where are her Cubs??
The only comment which do not includes words describing gender
And that’s how your mother took all of my money.
Does anyone realize these are territorial bears and can’t really be compared to people
black bear: ok girl damn~
Almost had another OJ situation lol
A black Grizzly bear??
He's double her size and he gives way. What kind of a wimp-ass bear is that?
learns about self through watching nature of bears
I search for polar bear vs grizly bear and this pops out. But is not even a polar bear
Did they tell u that
She’s tryna speak to the manager
White mother bear voted for Trump because she doesn't like when black bear competes with her for food.
Even white bears think they are superior to black bears. The bigotry hateful intolerance seems to be cross species as well
3:21 true gentleman
They make a couple
White bear could be confused for a polar bear.
shoutout to the salmon actor
This is how I met your mother
Y'all thinkin what I'm thinkin
Typical woman (bear). She sees what male can do and entitles herself to copy him, demands he leave his spot because she is oppressed and deserves it more.
Its sort of an analogy to africans and european natives.
Big male:i dont hit women so do all you want to me
Small female:good
Black bear be like "ex wife's huh?"
Omg im so triggered in 2019..a white bear attacked a black bear becasue its racist…..
No mention of this being an albino bear…