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This video melts hearts!
Pero como llegaron ahí?
A los que dijeron que no les gusta este vídeo, es mejor que se compren una pistola y se peguen un tiro en la cabeza.
Now that's what you call a mother ???
Thx ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️?
This guy thankyou
Beautiful life. Beautiful souls sharing a beautiful moment.
God bless all the baby animals in the world ?
Mother's love is infinite
Wahnsinn wie gut die Welt doch sein könnte?
God bless you all!???????
She is more of a mother than some people I know. Good bless the man that helped her.
SO BEAUTIFUL!!- they WILL ALWAYS protect their young!!!
Bro u seriously just tossing these babies you make me wanna hurt you cause you dont gotta toss em! Oh now at the end you gently place them or hand them to someone wtf!
Miren hasta los animales sienten más amor q nosotros los seres humanos
Ahh yet again another third world illustration …one would think……but …
Lol why dude have to throw the puppies tho.
Ojalá viváis pa siempre
Как они туда попали?
But islam thinks these beautiful animals are haram.
Как здорово, что есть такие люди ! Спасибо и низкий вам поклон ! Мама есть мама, каа она переживает! Так ее жалко! Люди учитесь у животных любить своих детей! ???????
Amor de mãe não abandona sua cria ❤❤❤
Eu quero TODOS
Lindo vídeo
Bravo bravo magnifique merci à vous ????❤❤
Bravo Bravissimo ???????
Poor dog