If you would like to watch the short version, please visit: http://www.HopeForPaws.org
Special thanks to L.A on Cloud 9 for letting us know about Jordan: http://www.laoncloud9.org
If you are blocked, please visit: https://vimeo.com/eldad75/videos
#HopeForPaws #DogRescue #DogVideos
praise everyone there what an awesome job you do
That homeless man needs to be homeless ! Piece of shit !!!
I really hope Karma comes back on people Tharp things like this to animals. So heartless and cruel but puts joy in my heart yo see them bounce back and yo he loved so much and treated so well ❤❤❤??????. Great Job
日本語で分からないかもしれないけど、いつも色んな動画を拝見しています。どんな状態でさえも諦めず、助けてくれるあなた達には本当に感謝します!命を助けてくれてありがとう。命を大切にしてくれてありがとう。あなた達はSuperman!!?Thank you!
God has a special place for people who do horrific acts to helpless babies……
May the bastard who brutalized this poor dog rot in the fires of hell for eternity… Bastard, bastard, bastard….
Poor baby!!! But what an awesome happy ending for him. Love him getting loved on.
You guys are a force of light.
Whomever did this to a precious pup is the spawn of Satan.
Bravo Team. A big job. Jordan is very happy Dog. A beauful Video.
So sad poor angel I love him
How can someone do this. I hope they get what’s coming to them.
I cry every time I watch these videos It makes me feels sick to see what people do to there's poor animals it's just disgusting
I like watching this video regularly ; this is a such beautiful story and a miracle for Jordan, this poor little puppy let in horrible conditions in the river, on this piece of paper? I hope the monster has been severely punished and if it is not by justice court, I hope by God himself with a bad life. Fortunately, some people called you Eldad and what a wonderful chance you were there for him and…. you do everything you can for other animals. Thanks for this??????
Humm? Leg chopped off and did not bleed to death? Yup thats a miracle.
I mean what was the guy who did that thinking like “ oh homeless dog who’s hungry starving and cold like me keeps coming to me because I can’t get a job and help my self while this dog can hmm I’m going to cut his leg off and throw him in the river “ like that person deserves far worse than death
That homeless man who cut his leg off should go kill himself instead of trying to kill a small hopeless dog
What an amazing little dog. I guess it takes someone whose outlook on life is so sick that he end up homeless to do something like this.
Great people, great job, great heart for animals and life! Thank you for your humanity!
I hope that he is loved for the rest of his life
Ele parece com o meu quer o meu tio matou estou feliz por ele graça a vcs que ajudaram
Храни Вас Бог!
How can anybody be so cruel to a dog, brings tears to my eyes.
What kind of cowardly piece of filth could do this to a defenseless animal? Id like 5 mins alone in a room with him I guarantee he would never mistreat an animal again .May he rot in hell when he dies
Jordans whimper at 1:17 ????. Whoever did that to Jordan I wish you nothing but the worst.
If I knew of Jordan right after this happened I would have adopted him in a heartbeat. And I am 3000 miles from LA. But I would have drove there non stop until I got there. He is such a lovable handsome pup. I wish Jordan a long and happy life.
Lindo, lindo.impossível não amar o trabalho de vocês, sempre me emociono em todos os vídeos que vejo…Deus abençoe!
That broke my heart. This is such a sweet dog. Thank God for the good people to help that sweet dog.
Preciosito ???
Sometimes I think eye for an eye is just about right!
Someone should euthanized this dangerous bum!
There is going to be a place in Hell for people that do these kinds of things. God will not let this slide. God Bless the people that helped with this rescue.
Святые люди
Love you guys,,,
Thank you so much for your kindness…
??????????????Thank You so Muchxxx❤????Gods Blessings????????From Hollanda???⚘??
thank you for saving this sweet soul
OMG. This really choked me. It really got to me how brutal someone can be to a poor defenceless animal. I cannot even imagine how evil someone can be, it is really beyond me. The amount of excruciating pain and on top of that, how hungry and not being well in the first place this poor animal was in. This person must be worse than a monster. Do we really have people like this on this planet, unfortunately yes. Jordan was just holding onto his last breath before these Angels came to save him. Thank God, he is completely transformed to a really happy, beautiful dog. I'm not normally moved by these things, but this one got to me big time. A great big thank you for everyone involved in saving Jordan and making him happy.
wow 🙂
you all are awesome! saving Jordan.
There is no pit of hell deep enough for whoever did this. There are no words.welcome to your new life, puppers. May it be filled with all the love you deserve. Bless you guys for doing what you do for these lost ones.
This story is completely overwhelmingly sad!
I know life is cruel and cold but puppies are so precious!!
I wish I had the strength to help save puppies like this but I’m a huge softie for puppies and don’t want to cry in front of strangers and women!!
I'm crying!! So sad think why sometimes evil better than human, but i'm happy this cute n smart dog safe now!! God bless you Hope For Paws, the doctors, the rescuers, the shelters and good people everywhere, and of course animals in the world…and everytime i see the videos like this, i give my dog and cats hug hug hug and give love them that live in streets too
Whoever did that to this poor dog is just sick to the head. They should go to hell. This dog is defenseless and has no way of fighting back.