A ceremonial torch-lighting in honor of Li’l Sebastian nearly kills Ron.
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From Emmy Award-winning executive producers Greg Daniels (NBC’s “The Office,” “King of the Hill”) and Michael Schur (NBC’s “The Office,” “Saturday Night Live”), “Parks and Recreation” is a hilarious ensemble comedy that follows Leslie Knope (Emmy and Golden Globe nominee Amy Poehler, NBC’s “Saturday Night Live,” “Baby Mama”), a mid-level bureaucrat in the Parks and Recreation Department of Pawnee, Indiana, and her tireless efforts to make her quintessentially American town just a little bit more fun.
Parks and Recreation – Ron’s Near-Death Experience (Episode Highlight)
Parks and Recreation
They couldn't get a military honor guard so he just became his own military honor guard.
"Oh my goooood HIKE!"
Here when this vid had 666 likes
666 likes…this video is cursed
Give me all the bacon and eggs you have
Hey Jerry maybe next time I’m enjoying my time alone at my cabin you can come in and burn my face off. Or next time I’m slaughtering my meal you come stop by and burn my face off. Or how about the next time I’m making love to a woman you can come in and burn my face off.
And he burn his moustache.??
This man is my role model.
The man was hit by a school bus (as a kid), had his face nearly burned off here, and has actually survived getting shot in the head. Ladies and gentlemen, Ron "Unstoppable" Swanson.
You can’t kill a god
Damn it, Jerry!
Two of the people that disliked this video are Lil Sebastian and Ron.
That military style salute
Ron is amazing
I quote this daily