This week on People are Awesome we’re celebrating all the women in our lives for their incredible strength and skill!. Awesome athletes from gymnasts to wakesurfers, circus arts and yoga, skydivers, rock climbers, skaters and weightlifters!
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Title: We Won’t Be Alone (feat. Laura Brehm) by Feint
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PEOPLE ARE AWESOME is the number one destination for amazing, original videos and compilations of ordinary people doing extraordinary things. We feature all sorts of different extreme sports and activities other amazing feats, including parkour, skateboarding, tricking, cliff diving, wingsuit flying, skiing, snowboarding, surfing, BMX, acrobatics, calisthenics, cheerleading, freestyle football, basketball dunks, extreme pogo, freerunning, cycling, kayaking, frisbee trick shots, golf, martial arts, BASE jumping and many, many more a host of other action sports! Whether you’re searching in 2015 or any other year, check out our amazing and original action sports videos in HD where we show you why we think people are awesome!
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Girls can do anything ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Prova que as mulheres pode ser tudo
Go, girls!
The song goes perfectly with the video. Go girls!
Jesus is real: Jesus is just a religion to most, and a way of living a religious life yet their life outside of the walls of religion proves that they do not know him at all. In reality, Jesus is truly real, because when I sought him I found him. What is written about him in the scriptures, and the book of Acts is real and true. When I realised Jesus was real, then his power began working in my life.Accepting Jesus by faith, being baptised, and being filled with the Holy Spirit is the only way of salvation and eternal life.
The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit: Many do not understand who God is, and how he can also be Jesus Christ. Some think Jesus is only a prophet. But we have the truth about who God is, when we understand that God the Father sent his Son to redeem us to himself, and leads us by his Holy Spirit. That therein is God. His Son, is his Word which became flesh and was Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. The Word was with God in the beginning, and through whom all was created, and was God. In the Book of John and in Genesis, where we are told that Jesus is the Son of Man, firstborn of the Holy One, who is the Word of God through whom all was created. We then read that this word became man and dwelt among us bringing the gospel of the Kingdom to mankind. We can understand that it was indeed the Word of God (a part of God) whom was on the cross as to the scripture which states, "They will look upon me whom they pierced." We can further understand that Jesus and God are separate in the sense where one is the Father, and the other, his Word become flesh as his firstborn. We must also understand that Jesus did not come into being when he was born upon this earth in flesh from virgin Mary, rather he already was the Word of God prior to this for eternity past. The prophets saw him sometimes in their visions where they likened him to "Something like a Son of Man" when they saw him. That is why Jesus prayed to the Father, and why the Father was speaking from heaven over him while he was on the earth, and why he said all he said about the Father and himself. >>The World Was Not Formed by Angels, or by Any Other Being, Contrary to the Will of the Most High God, But Was Made by the Father Through the Word.<< The Father and the Son cannot be separated into greater and lesser beings to then bring in foolish doctrines that diminish the importance of who Christ is in relation to God the Father, and start following the blind teachings of religions like Islam that dishonour his Deity and place him below status on plane with the angels in heaven or subordinate beings instead of his rightful statues of being the Word of God himself. The Lord Himself handing down to His disciples, that He, the Father, is the only God and Lord, who alone is God and ruler of all;-it is incumbent on us to follow.
Salvation is not guaranteed and depends on your walk: Many believe they are saved when they accepted Jesus at such-and-such a date. They do not realise that if they leave Jesus and go back to living a worldly life, their past confession will not saved them, because it is written that if you live after the flesh you will perish, but if you live after the Spirit and remain faithful to Jesus you will have eternal life. For it is the faithful who are saved:
James 5:19 Brethren, if any of you (that is Christians) do err from the truth (falls into sin), and one convert him (causes him to repent and turn from the sin); 20 Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death (soul death is in hell), and shall hide a multitude of sins.
Romans 8:13-14.
Salvation: There are not 'many ways' to be saved. There are not 'many paths' to salvation and God's Kingdom. There is only one path of salvation; the way of the cross through faith. This way, is the way of faith in Jesus Christ who died for us on the cross that all who believe in him and follow him, will find his way and be given eternal life, because you cannot enter heaven unless you are born again. You can only become born again by having faith (trust) in Jesus Christ being baptised in his name onto the narrow way. This is a free gift of which none shall earn by any merit of their own. Nobody who is not born again, cannot enter heaven. The way of faith is the way of baptism in water in Jesus' name, and the baptism of the Holy Spirit as he told us. This way is a way of being led by the Holy Spirit and obeying his teachings. This way is a real way that you can go but only if you truly dedicate all areas of your heart to Christ and seek to know him. Him knowing you by you being filled with his Spirit which comes from having faith in him, is eternal life. This is because he died for us on the cross, and his blood covers the sins of those who repent and believe upon him. Without Jesus Christ, you will not be able to enter into the Kingdom of God. There is no other way for salvation from hell. God only made this way; the way of Jesus Christ which is being born again. The first time you were born means you cannot enter heaven. You MUST be born again to enter heaven, so salvation is by faith. Either we choose to take Jesus at his WORDS and choose to have faith and trust in them knowing we have salvation in him, or we do not…Don't live in doubt and fear any longer. Have faith and walk the way of Christ, for your faith in him is what saves you. Your faith in Christ. Believe in your heart he is the Son of God whom God raised from the dead, and confess with your mouth he is Lord, and you will be saved. John 3:5
Jesus is coming. Are you ready?
Women belong in the kitchen. Men belong in the kitchen. Everyone belongs in the kitchen. Kitchen has food.
i watched this video a while back… only to soon relise i play this song on beat saber
Men can be amazing ❌
Women can be amazing ❌
PEOPLE can be amazing✅
So many people try to segregate everything from sex, race to religion
I don’t care who you are. I would never dislike you unless you eat my pizza bites 🙂
After watching this I feel like a little twig who cant do anything ?
Athletes are awesome! ?
I just want to say that every girl is amazing, especially you❤️❤️
Way outta my league lol
3:20 awesome
This proves girls are better than boys…… Like when will you ever see a guy shoot a bow and arrow with his feet in a weird angle
Random man on internet forum: I'm superior to women
This is incredible
Awesome girls ?
What you need in your life is a fit strong girl: seriously, what the hell are they using to put lids on jars these days . . . . . . watching these just makes you feel like a couch potato.
2:47 Puts that in lol thats legit so easy then there is this 3:19 like wtf
It's always amazed me just how flexible girls can be. There are so many things they can do that we guys just can't!
Girls are awesome, including Laura Brehm, : D
What ! Archery with legs ???incredible
Do guys like this kinda girls?
2.25 I have that skateboard
This is proof that girls rule the world
I’m watching this while eating cookies in my bed, geez. What am I doing with my life?
I aspire to be these women one day
How high is that dive!?
A.R.M.Y really is everywhere
Every girl in this world is awesome!
Girls are cool too
These girls are awesome i wish i i was that awesome
Go girls
Yeah! Go girls! ?????✌?
Are they saying that girls can’t do awesome thing and that these things are rare for a girl to preform
Being inspired ?????????
That moment people realize women can do much more than cook and clean
These girls just told me to shut my fat ass up and I shut my fat ass up ?
I'm the only one in my class who ain't afraid to fail, and i play football… So…
I'm more like a boy?
Wow girls are strong
And I'm definitely too dumb to do this shit