Baby Orangutan Rickina!

Baby Orangutan Rickina!
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Help Rickina and her friends by adopting an orangutan on the Orangutan Outreach website:

For just $10 a month YOU can make a difference in Rickina’s life!
*Adoptions are virtual. Rickina stays in Borneo! 🙂

Rickina is being cared for at the IAR Ketapang Orangutan Rescue Center in West Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo). The center is operated by Orangutan Outreach’s partners International Animal Rescue.

Rickina was confiscated from a man who claimed that he had encountered a mother orangutan with the baby in the forest, and that the mother was so startled that she abandoned the baby and ran away. The man picked up the baby and in doing so apparently caused a gaping wound on her head with his machete…. A mother orangutan will NEVER leave her infant behind and will fight to the death to protect her baby from aggressors. So what really happened?

Orangutans are critically endangered in the wild because of rapid deforestation and the expansion of palm oil plantations into their rainforest home. If nothing is done to protect them, they will be extinct in just a few years. Visit the Orangutan Outreach website to learn more and make a difference!

You can support orangutan conservation by adopting Rickina from Orangutan Outreach! For just $10/month you can make a difference in the life of Rickina and all her friends at IAR Ketapang! Thank you for your support!

Video by Alejo Sabugo for International Animal Rescue / Yayasan IAR


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  1. They're so expressive! Look at that baby's excitement when hanging on a rope. I remember seeing one behind glass walls and looked all sad, probably shouldn't have visited the zoo.

  2. Thank you for helping orangutan because in Indonesia orangutan population now is just a little bit because there's a lot of hunter orangutan,Btw im from indonesia??,thnks every body for helping orangutan that almost extinct?

  3. Vogliamo renderci conto che sono creature viventi simili a NOI? Bisogna combattere chi li maltratta, li usa con crudeltà, li toglie alle loro famiglie e al loro ambiente, sono brutti ma allo stesso tempo di una bellezza e una dolcezza incredibile! Si vorrebbe solo il suo bene

  4. How can we hold our heads up when these creatures face their demise….its reproachable, which is why I give as much as I can each month to try to help and I'd urge everyone to do the same. Once they've gone, there's no getting them back, don't let that

  5. How adorable is she?!?! So heartwarming! It makes me proud to be a human also when I see these beautiful humans helping our relations survive and thrive on our planet!

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