Watch Part 2 now – https://youtu.be/iv8Z4u5ZqWw
Southern China has always had a tradition of dining on dogs—people from other parts of the country even joke that Southerners will eat anything with legs but the dinner table. But despite becoming more prosperous in the 1990s, Yulin has maintained the unique tradition of holding a canine banquet every summer.
Animal rights activists across China and the rest of the globe have increasingly condemned the Dog Meat Festival, calling for an immediate stop to eating man’s best friend. They say the dog meat trade is illegal, unregulated, and cruel. Many claim that numerous dogs that end up in cooking pots are stolen pets or diseased strays.
In 2013, the Yulin festival gathered so much negative press that this year, the local government denied the Summer Solstice dog-eating tradition ever even existed. But that hasn’t stopped locals from celebrating—nor has it stopped die-hard activists from flooding the town to try to rescue dogs before the slaughter.
VICE Reports headed to Yulin this year to get to the bottom of the most controversial festival in China.
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We headed to Yulin to get to the bottom of one of the most controversial festivals in China: the Yulin Dog Meat Festival.
Watch Part 2 now – https://youtu.be/iv8Z4u5ZqWw
Fuck those people fuck them ???
I'm a police so China I will put y'all all in jail if you don't stop eating dogs bitches
Everyone that cooks a dog should go and burn in hell or rot in jail, they deserve to suffer ?
Fat ass shit leave dogs lone if eat my you will get yo ass beet up b**
That's messed up
Very Bad act.. How much idiots are living on our Universe.
Jst drop a nuke there
okay, I know that people eat other animals in other cultures that we wouldn't normally eat, BUT WHAT THE HELL? The dogs aren't even doing anything WRONG and they're taking people's pets and whatnot. I could never.
Poor pets that’s just not right why did they have to come into this world why can’t they just do the same thing to those people that hurt poor sweet cute animals
Her: eating dogs is so cruel it makes me sick
Also her: I’m hoping we can find some people buying dog 1:17
Ok guys listen..forget area 51.lets just raid yulin
I hate China fuck you china for killing dogs
If you're eating animals then shut the fuck off
What do you feel when they slaughter the pigs the cows the lambs the goats the rabbits etc I think it's because dogs are closer or have more affinity to us that we feel outraged
Why people in Yulin so agressive
F in the chat for fido
There are 1.3 billion people in China and most of them are against this. Yulin festival is a very local practice localized to a small village. It kind of shows you how free China is. A lot of subculture and practice are allowed to thrive with little to no government intervention
in China there are no humans there are only ghosts
no kindness towards any living being
no Chinese will go to heaven
Shart in my chanel?
That's why I didnt like these China peoples .This is so horrible, they eat dogs like chickens .
I am a Chinese living in Jiangsu Province. Neverr had I thought the scene of Yulin is so horrible! You westerner would compare us with Indians scarping their enemies,shit!
dogs reproduce so fast. In many parts of the world stray dogs are everywhere. The was this problem is handled is the misnomer "humane society' kills millions of dogs in the US, if there's a stray dog, they catch them lock them in a cage, sell a small handful and kill the rest. So it's really the same, the only difference is because in the US the taste is for other types of animals flesh, the dogs are thrown in the trash in the US after being killed and they kill cows, chickens, pigs, lambs, deer, rabbit, etc. when there after the eat the dogs that the US would've thrown away, they don't need to kill many more animals because they didn't waste the body of the animals that are thrown in the trash in the US by the millions.
5:27 i salute this woman ?
Hypocrite should shut the fk up, simple as that.
Some rascal Chinese they don't have no pity in them !!!
you bich your mother facking me animals kill bich
Chinese eat dogs, cats, snakes, cockroaches,etc, etc, etc. They are from somewhere else but not an ? ? ? Earth.
please, someone eat my neighbour rotwiller ??
my dog is lying next to me right now….. shes so innocent and cute wtf is wrong with these ppl
This is like a horror movie
It's grotesque