Hundreds of ordinary people are walking right into slaughterhouses and taking the animals out
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Halal slaugther must removed its not a food its violence
This people should received great reward from god
Thank God some people have the courage to take a stand against this barbaric cruelty to our beloved companions in nature.
I’m in tears. And all I eat is meat. But this is beautiful!!!
I dont understand whats the point of slaughtering Animals If You Can Just Sacrifice YO SELF (A.K.A I LOVES VEGGIES SO WHY CANT THE WORLD JUST BE FILLED WITH VEGETABLES NOT MEAT
Thank you so much for doing this. I have unbelievable respect and faith in your work.
I was just watching these assholes hurting poor animals and dogs. This makes me feel so much better 🙂
humans are the worst animals on this planet… only those who don't do anything like that or anything super bad like that are true people the others that torture are disgraceful disgusting i dint have enough words to describe them…
They are fine with human abortion but so touchy and emotional about fucking animals being slaughter, double standard motherfuckers.
Wut bout the others in the cage.
thank you so much. once i am older i will do as much as i can to save/ prevent animals from pain. i love them so much, it pains me to watch humans and the cruelty they brutally give to animals. every time it makes me cry. i can’t thank you enough!
So great this action to liberate and save these poor suffering animals ! I wish I could get an liberated animal! I would spend these animals an new safe and happy life in the garden.
We should save us before animal
Thank you kind hearted humans for helping theses animals ❤️??
I ate a piece of BAcON soooo…
Does that mean I am bad
Direct action is the only way to stop this madness. Signing petitions doesn't help a bit.
I need to join this and help these poor animals THIS IS CRUELTY I WILL HELP THEM ALL SOON EVEN IF I HAVE TO DIE OR FIGHT OTHERS!!!!!!
I just emagine me driving a truck full of chickens and going to vegan people and releasing them. I always wanted to know what that feels like
Becarefull their all heros
What a waste of food.
this evil practice should be illegal!!!!! these people who put these animals in this situation should go to jail!!!!! in the same size cage that the animals were in!!!!!!! evil evil human demon
animals help humans
but other people want to kill them and means violence
Yess!! Keep yoinking the animals from slaughter
I went to a slaughter house today and saw things I wish I never have seen before,I saw a lamb with its head cut off I saw a lamb on a rope ready to be killed
Edit: I really wanted to stop it, my dad took me there cause he thought it would be “cool”
Treat animals with care how would people feel if they get killed #Letanimalslive
Any kind of agriculture, even farms growing fruits and vegetables, displace wildlife. Forests that were once home to songbirds, insects, squirrels, deer, wolves and mice are converted in order to produce commercial crops. Commercial farms kill crop-eating animals (labeled "pests") with natural and chemical insecticides, traps and gunfire. Even organic farms shoot deer, kill moles with traps and employ natural pesticides. Farms also commonly use fertilizer made from bone meal, fish meal, manure and other animal products.
Bug parts in food: Because it is nearly impossible to harvest, process and package food without some contamination from mouse feces, rat hair or insect parts, the FDA allows small amounts of these animal products in food. Have you ever had an old bag of flour suddenly sprout bugs? It's not spontaneous generation.
I don’t under stand how people can be so cruel to these poor innocent animals
How can I join this?
I saw the VICE video and sympathize with the farmer you disrupted. What you did inspired me to start a small chicken farm operation at my residence. Now I get eggs everyday and my kids learn how to responsibly raise chickens. God bless you all.
Animals are people too!
I almost cried when I saw the baby pig
Im now vegan C:
Go vegan/vegetarian that's like the only option
It is sad but why do they Haft to be so gay about it
Thank you every soul participate in this great job.. Really giving us promising hope for the future ..hope one day our dream come true and close all slaughters and go vegan
This is what I wanna do for a living.
I love you DxE ♥
This video turned me pesketarian no dairy though
I want to badly save an animal from the slaughter house