Hood Fight Crack Pussy vs Cheap Pussy part 2 David Williams — October 6, 2019 22 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest Spread The Viralist New Orleans right there on chef it goes down bitch… @YoungLunatic504 @XXIBOS @XXIBOSLADYBOSS source fight girl hood new Orleans Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
I think the camera person needed to hide and back up further than they were. I could still see the fight. Damn man why were you so far away?
When using a phone to record, hold the phone sideways so the picture will show up right when it's uploaded.
That’s why don’t do black man’s they so fucking stupid.
since when does possible come out of your butt check? ???
I think the camera person needed to hide and back up further than they were. I could still see the fight. Damn man why were you so far away?
its sad as black people we cant get along.
I think my computer has syphilis now.
g just stfu n pay attention to the fight can't record for sht how bout me n u fight fuk u mean
Grainy , clean your screen !
horrible cameraman. ….
I'll give you $10 if you knew how to shut up and take the videos
Camera man sucks balls.
Thanks for figuring out how your camera works at 4:50.
i thought crack pussy was cheap pussy
First one of these I've seen where the commentary was actually entertaining.
learn how to shoot video before you do it this look like a waste of a good video!!!
Dumb fucker. Turn that phone around.
id say he's a bit thirsty for some followers. lol
When using a phone to record, hold the phone sideways so the picture will show up right when it's uploaded.
Would u shut up damn
The bitch with the skirt on got heLp from her friend twice and stiLL got that ass whooped!! 🙂
worst camera man ever
that was cheesie kmsl da no has some funny azz people .camera man had me week.lol