Real ghosts caught on camera. These are supposedly pictures of ghosts. Real or fake? You decide. These are some of the rarest ghost pictures we could find, Taken in smoe of the worlds scariest, most haunted places. We didn’t want to show you pictures you’ve seen before, or boring pictures of orbs.
Ghost Ghosts Real Caught on Tape Poltergeist Demon Demons Paranormal Supernatural “Paranormal Activity” Haunted Spirit Ouija “Ouija Board” Phantom Apparition Scary Horror Demonic Haunting Evil Witch Wicked Clown Creepy Horrific Terrifying Psychic “Ghost Hunters” “Ghost Hunting” Paranormal Investigation TAPS “Ghost Adventures”
seems legit
Entertainingly fake
Lol fuckin ell total shit
fake ass bull shit…. photo shopped
The last one is hardcore
wtf not it were what it tis
I caught amazing spirit energies on video. Check it out on my channel and share…. We are definitely not alone! :0)
Let me say this…GHOSTS dont look the same when their dead, they take form in a spirit energy and not what they were Last wearing when they died. Cant fool me…LOL!
I may be a lil retarded but im not retarded
How the fuck would you know about shit that happened before you were born? Maybe you should stop watching retarded movies. Then you wouldn't believe retarded things like mother jokes being invented in '94.
Video for badass like you
my comment,damn fake !!!!
looks fake.
Wooooow someone knows how to use photoshop to make people transperant and paste them onto other pictures wooooooo so scared
that last pic scred the shit outta me
holy shit….FAKE>>>>>>
the 2nd photo looks like michael myers
1:01 scared me
Mamadas ¡¡¡
While camera technology helps us see ghosts it also enables fake pics. These look very real but I'm no photography expert. I enjoyed them very much bc they didn't look fake.:o)
Damn, those ghosts have some fancy clothing on them. o.o
It's an app for the iPhone? LMFAO. I got better pics than these when I used it 😉
hahahhahah LOL BIG LOL not LIKE !!!!!!!!!!!!
I too have an app on my Iphone that can put gohst pics on my pictures. What a couinsedence.
This is Total Fake
The last pic is so fake….
I don't see the ghost at 0:55 it's too dark for me too see
@ArsonWolf A grammar fail, a spelling fail, a trolling fail and a huge fail at life.
1:03 looks really fake
Om the picture, number 3…I see 2 ghost!!!!! On the right, its scream. 😮
0:19 – Is that Margam Castle?
Im on VaultOfFear's side. Youre full of shit voltag3man and zaine. However i believe the pictures are fake, but that doesnt mean the images didnt freak the hell out of me.
@voltag3man Molther jokes were made me in 1994? Huh? No. Mother jokes are WAY older than that, though I doubt you even existed before 1994, since your last comment reads: "strongest gun and powerfulliest gun in world is m95 50.cal" And I've seen it. It was utter shit.
@VaultOfFear mother jokes were made u in 1994 ratard if u dont know wat ratard is u realy dumb see the movie the hangover if dont know
is the very last one with the monster ( that's what i label it as) @1:03 from the catacombs in Paris?
@Zaine Ahhh, "mother on crack" jokes. Very '80's.
@VaultOfFear im sorry that you are retarded and dont know phrases. tell your mom im glad she wasnt scared to smoke crack while pregnant with you thought. fucking jackass
why does mellowb1rd put this in his video lol
i have an app on my iphone for this
@Zaine What? Your punctuation? Yes it is. Capital "F". You also forgot the period. And, in this context, you would say "loss", not "lose".
fake and gay for the lose
those are really fake and GAYY!!!!!!!