Three hurricanes, three months, and more than 5,500 animals rescued. Our Animal Rescue Team is ready and able to respond to natural disasters and cases of cruelty and neglect because of animal lovers like you!
Join us in the fight to help even more animals by supporting all the lifesaving work of the Animal Rescue Team: http://bit.ly/2yts6c4
You guys are so kind
2 minutes of video and I'm crying
How do people just leave their pets
It's people like this who makes the world running. God bless you all that care. #respect
I Love animals ?..thank you soo much for this rescue animals.. i wish i join your this rescue team..
How could people dislike this video!!!! ?
How do u sign up for animal rescue when I’m older
Are you always get so awmotional
How could some one dislike this
I hope no one will eat the farm animals and let them grow with all care and all their life
I really want to join in and help animals in need ( if u get this message please tell me how )
can i like adot abt 2 of the dogs if u guys dont mind…i really hate it when people dont treat dogs well they should be put to jail..animal have feelings tooo…
Ughhh… this is sooo cute ughhh… can't take it I'm a dýyyyyyyyying
I feel so ?about my kitten
Your videos are always really sad and happy at the same time. It's heartbreaking that animals have to go through this, but it always makes my day to hear about all of these lovable animals get saved!
you are my hero!!
Maravilhoso ,?
What is the song called
Did they save any hamsters?
Thank you humane society for caring for them.
Alot of dogs and cats don't get rescued often. but this proves that you guys are a nice foundation
There goes my subscriber button
They should team up with Hope For Paws
when that guy was scratching the dogs belly he was smiling!
Love you guys! Keep up the good work!
Thank god we have some good people in this world it’s sickening how people left they’re animals there to die……. the horse was starving to death and those dogs would drown probably and cats these animals are humans too ♥️?
getting so emotional over this, thinking about animals that may not have made it in the floods
thank you for saving as much of these little angels as you could..
That baby squirrel just melts my heart! The baby owl to! thankyou for this your such good people
Thank you for helping those animals!
U guys r everyone’s hero!???
There all going to live and be ok
As a victim of Irma, I thank you for saving my fellow furry friends.
Thank You Dude 🙂
Thank You Dude 🙂
I love you HSUS!
Thank you for saving there lives if u had not they would have no tomorrow but cause of u they live on☺☺☺
Super job
Wow!! Thank God there still good people in this world!!
beautiful. heart warming. thank you
Awww, poor kitties and that little goat……!!!!! And all the other animals, poor babies.
You guys are the worlds super heroes! You saving so many lives, makes my heart melt! ❤️️??