Publised on the Saturday 30th March 2013 by C.C.Animal Rescuers.
Rescued animals video contain pictures of animals rescued from severe suffering and death by ordinary people doing one kind action to save lives. Everyone can become homeless. The last picture of one cat, unlike the other cats, this cat was not a rescue cat but a great gift to us from Ulvika and has never suffered harm. I thought that this cat is a good ending.
A Tiny Journal of Rescued Cats,’ and a tribute to all the voiceless animals, animal conservationists, rescuers.
It was once suggested this to me, ‘A person is a living individual. Non human animals are people too. Also, please remember to do one thing of kindness at least once a day no matter how tiny or big, because we shall only walk this life’s journey but once.’
With Sincere Gratitude to so many including:
All the vets and kind people, who helped animals and people too.
The rescuers who quietly save lives from all over the world and those who have kindly supported all our non profit rescues & have become loving parts of our families.
In memory to those who lived, loved, lost their fight for survival both human and animals and their rescuers who tried to save each and everyone of them.
Supporting the NFC Cat Club, who conserve the natural breed of the Norwegian Forest Cat.
NFC beautiful Norwegian Forest Cats, Conservationist/Breeder, is Ulvika.
P.S. This is my first slide show video and tribute, so please be kind 🙂 and support us and sub these kitties!
C.C.A.R. Animal Rescue. We are None Profit private animal rescue team and simply ordinary people of doing what we can to relieve suffering even in simple ways.
Remembering humans are part of mother nature and are animals too.
So please be kind to all the animals.