Top 10 Craziest Animal Fights Caught on camera Part 4

Top 10 Craziest Animal Fights Caught on camera Part 4
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About the Author: Admin


  1. A rhino could beat a hippos ass but it didn’t have its horn to defend itself if the rhino had its horn the hippos would be running

  2. The people at the Zoo who witnessed two Male Gorillas having a tick are lucky. And they’re idiots for going no no no, get the zookeeper! What the hell do they expect him to do? And what do they think Male Gorillas do in the wild; go and pull women at the club??

  3. Lesson of the day….thou shall not fuck with the Ursidae. Momma bear holds off a whole pack of wolfs, solo, with THREE cubs in tow. Then, another muscles and drowns a full grown, healthy Elk….solo. Oh, and the sloth bear battles, beats, and backs down a full grown male Tiger. Ursa Major….

  4. It’s funny, but to me the only confrontation that seemed angry were the sheep dogs. The rest seemed like natural instinctual jockeying and hunting.

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