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That moment when Slacks begins to question his sanity about RandomGirl XD
Bullet Pandi !
All I get from these videos is justification in picking Shadow Blade over Eul's for shadow fiend every single time to plop Requiem on people.
"What the fook kinda of name is that".. it made my day lmao
Disliked for dt continuous laughter….
God the intros always kill me??
wow..great work…your video is awesome
I knew a few random girls.
"they're mormons, there's so many of them" Lmaooooooooooooooooo 2:20
Petition to have "Paaancaaaake" as a battlepass voice line
who was that random girl XD
Shadow fiend is such a tissue paper hero
Best intro ever ?
Was Sunsfan homeschooled or something? EVERYBODY should be aware of the le epic random girl in middle school
Dont understand why you lough for something thats not funny for over 1 minute and not talk about the fails :X
i love you
Its the second time in this episode ?
i am never watching this show while eating ever again
I'm gonna need a transcript of Random Girl convo
Sunsfan WAS the random girl
last clip, void is a "fkn gronnk cunt" ? XDXDXD
A ridged pancake = a waffle
God, please remove that speaker with screamy ugly voice
Alchemist murio de cancer peruano su cerebro se achicó tanto q desapareció
Slacks turned into the Grandpa from Eight Crazy Nights
"Hahahaha, Pancake ::)))"
200 episodes and they still can’t do an intro.
I love it.
sir slacks ur voice like purplerodri in pokemon emerald walkthrough