How does asthma work? – Christopher E. Gaw

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More than 300 million people around the world suffer from asthma, and around 250,000 people die from it each year. But why do people get asthma, and how can this disease be deadly? Christopher E. Gaw describes the main symptoms and treatments of asthma.

Lesson by Christopher E. Gaw, animation by Zedem Media.


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About the Author: TED-Ed


  1. Had an asthma attack on the middle of gym once from the running

    My teachers response: walk me back and fourth across the gym and ask if I actually need to go down to the office every lap. As I’m crying, struggling to breathe, and about to turn purple

  2. I remember in 5th grade,I was screaming and I had my first asthma attack.I fell over because of the shock and since I was unaware of what was going on I tried to scream again but what came out was this inhuman screeching noise,and according to my friends my eyes because red and tears ran down my cheeks.I started to recover and I started screaming in pain again,and then after a few minutes of screeching and tumbling,I was back to normal.My friends ran away from me because they thought I got possessed from Satan-

  3. I have a Asthma since I'm born but in my Elementary days I can run fast or anything doing a normal people but when Im turn to 19 after I smelled the Spray paint it was back and now I'm not able to run or hiking or bring heavy things ..

    As of now its been 4 days I can't Breath normal I need to take deep breath..
    ❌ Too much water/food
    ❌ heavy things
    ❌ easy tired of talking/ shouting
    ❌ strong winds
    ❌ smoke of fire/ Cigarette

    I'm Depressed so it's okay till I can't breath ? don't wanna go to check up?

  4. I have been a regular smoker to this day and an asthmatic. I always had asthma since birth. I’m 48 now but surprisingly strange enough cigarettes somehow do not appear to trigger or affect my asthma or give me an attack ! But I found myself more likely sensitive to many allergies such as house dust , perfumes, pet dander/fur, extreme heat or cold ,severe emotions such as anger, anxiety, etc. Only to name a few . These I could say, can practically kill me ! But Despite my condition I can still manage to get to enjoy smoking. Or else I woulda quit long before.

  5. To be honest, I have moderately serious asthma all my life, however, most people with asthma have mild asthma, and don't have it for that long ( like childhood asthma or a decade or-so long term).
    So for all of those people who have asthma, I feel you and I know what you mean by it.

    (btw i have learned some new and cool things from this video. I also love the ted-ed videos too :D)

  6. Don’t you just hate when you get asthma at night and you have to try to find a inhaler or that thing we have to get on if the inhaler doesn’t work it just feels like you’re gonna die it’s the worst experience anyone who has asthma could ever get such a sad affect on our body’s the people who doesn’t has asthma wouldn’t understand a single thing

  7. the hardest part is that my doctor can’t seem to diagnose my asthma. i struggle with it every single day but they keep saying “it’s in your head.” i could not sleep till 5 am because of my asthma. i tell them to give me medicine to provide me with some kind of temporary relief but they don’t seem to listen. they don’t even bother diagnosing me and giving me medicine to make me feel better.

  8. One of my fellow asthma friends went to a new doctor and was told she has anxiety about running not asthma. Far. From. True.

  9. Severe asthma is so hard to compete against. You feel completely tired and fed up of breathing as if you have lost control over your brain. This is when those suicidal thoughts generate.

  10. I have asthma and have to run a 5k (3.107) miles tomorrow and I’m so scared something is gonna go wrong or I’m gonna get made fun of because my time is gonna be horrible

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