You don’t have to have a ton of space to foster, you just have to have a little know-how! In this video I discuss the proper way to set up your dedicated space for kittens 0-3 weeks and 3-8 weeks, how to deal with your personal pets, and how to sanitize your supplies and space so that everyone is safe. Happy fostering!
Check out my instructional videos here: http://bit.ly/2qwudwX
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Video edited by Adam Myatt (@catmanofwestoakland)
So happy you made this vid my family is starting to foster soon!!!!
Is a playpen a safe space to let a pregnant cat deliver her babies?
I would foster kittens but I would want to keep all of them
Are you giving away baby kitten's
I would love to foster kittens
Hi. Can you please tell me what size is your playpen?
What about kittens who are 18 weeks old would you say they’re ready to have a bed or still stay in a playpen?
Loved that little bit at the end where you summed up the life of a kitten owner in six words: “I love you, don’t chew that!” ?
Also when they first start using the litter box you may want to put dog pee pads in their pen in case of accidents.
I love your videos Kitten Lady
Do you cover your plastic box with something? My own cat would definitely jump in if it's not covered up :(..Thanks a mill!
Does that mena u have to hide outlits as well?
Omg I don't know why but for at least 2 years I've wanted to meet you. I've looked up for you for ages I've had kittens for 4 years many kittens. I've learnt so much from you I love you. I want to be just like you. Please can I have a shout out or see you. Witch I know is imposible because we're in completely différant countries but that's all I want for my birthday in November. Please make my wish come true
Would a plastic playpen like the Iris one work, instead of the fabric collapsible one?
I'm a foster mom and your video is great, once they are bigger though they have my spare room with the mom or no mom. I been doing this for 3 years. Where do you get that stuff toy with the heart beat.
Litter for kittens should be made of wheat or nuts because if they get any litter in them after licking themselves can end up forming like small cement balls in there belly. I do introduce them after they been quarantine and shots and dewormed. I find it helps them become more out going and socialize but my cats are very going and one is a mother hen. I do it if I have them for a long period cause it depends on adoption periods.
What about adopting a young kitten 3-4 months old? Do you stills want to contain them?
The box tops on the boxes that have blank printer paper in them make excellent throw away litter trays. I volunteer at our local shelter during the summer (I am a university student) and we love having them. It is so quick and very useful. And many offices have many of them that they can give you.
I'm actually fostering a mama cat and three of her kittens. The kittens are 4 weeks old as of August 25th. They are steadily learning to climb out of the whelping box I made, which is basically two big cardboard boxes taped together for mama cat to get in and out of. I bought one of the soft-sided play pins that you recommended but I don't know how to create an opening just for mama cat. What else would you recommend? Please help?
I wanna foster but my building doesn't allow animals! ?
I want to put the kitten box beside my bed but my bedroom floor is all carpet. Is it still okay if they are 0-3 weeks old?
My mom and I were thinking of fostering kittens and young cats because our local shelter is offering to let people foster their kittens. I have a dog (he’s a Japanese Chin) and I think, if bonded with the young kittens, will learn to like them.
when i move out and am older im gonna foster all the time uwu im only 12 now so i cant do much owo
what is the best age for a cat or kitten to be adopted?