Top 5 SCARY VIDEOS of ghosts caught on camera. Do you have the nerve to turn off the lights and go FULLSCREEN?
If you liked this Nuke’s Top 5 countdown list, you might also want to check out this other parnormal 5 Scary Ghost Videos That Will HAUNT You ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqZd9BmJEO0
Omg that humming sound in the video was played like almost 3 times and every time I heard that sound it gave me legit goosebumps!
At first, I actually increased the volume just to hear that sound and then the sound kept on getting clearer which gave me legit goosebumps!
Thanks from Jamaica ? ?
2:31, are those eyes? If you look closely at the shadow, it looks like two eyes
i keep looking behind me for real tho
Great video Ty. I would like to see you do a documentary style video that would more meat to these stories. Ya know I had seen a ghost when I was 3 and scared me so bad that I still remember every detail. I'm 54 now and I find that odd. Anyone screams BS then they are the ones without that experience. Take care and keep on researching. : = )
In the first clip, they scared MR.Shadow ??
Who else wants a full video of the Bishmilla guy
Omg I live 20 mins away from north side high school and I know those girls , that’s so terrifying!!!
i rarely watch a video full screen so… the joke is on you
Looks like a cat peaking over in ghost of Carmel Maine
The shadows on the stairs at 2:36 looks like a black cat.
7:00 if i were him i would legit have said, "oh my god santa, are you ok?"???
That supermarket was haunted by the spirits from the last Christmas sale.
Ghosts of Carmel Mane (or however it is spelled) is so blatantly hoaxed.
Please feature more videos from the Mexican dude. His reaction with the Santa Claus is hilarious lol
I live close to north’s side high school
Hey 2 million subs
A face reveal?
Hey Brother…I have a video my wife recorded last Sunday Night. There is a lot of background noise because she left the tv on with a game playing. Now behind the background music playing both my wife and I could hear alot of noises that my wife claimed she did not make. There is also what sounds like sheep bleeting in the background. It is pretty creepy to say the least. I was wondering if you could check the video out and filter out the background noise and discover what is being said. Let me know. Otherwise I Will have to find an application for my laptop and do it myself. FYI…my wife and I deal with alot of paranormal activity that goes back 9 years. It was until only recently that I picked up my Phone to start documenting the events. My wife was physically attacked while I was at work in the middle of the night last July by something she could NOT see. Take care man. Let me know.
Another awesome presentation mate. Well done.
When is Skuren time coming back
Ghost : * Tryin to make bizzare atmosphere
The night shift guy : there's no f**king way (laughs)
Ghost : Am I a joke to you?
After watching this video now it's time to watch some funny memes.
Goodluck.. I am going full screen.. ;~;
*bad quality camera exist
Ghost : Allow us to introduce ourselves
W O A H W H A T T H E F U C K W A S T H A T?
No bismillah?? Nuke pls dont do it anymore we need 1 bismillah per video
Can someone explain the Shadow Dude at the window one please? My gut instinct is screaming fake because it's so clear, but the camera shake would suggest that it would be difficult to manipulate. Someone help me out and explain it please!
wOw !
give us a arab guy compilation. you hit 2 mil so please a arab guy over 30 minutes
shadow dude is fukin scuuuurrryyyyyyyyy brooo omfffgggg
Who has Better Voice
Like-Nukes Top 5
I'm watching this at 3 AM anyone else
If there's a bad smell and things go missing and has a deep voice
One: it's a very powerful ghost of
Two: it's a demon
If some one caught ghost in Mexico its 80% of chance it's real .There is always weird shit
You should travel to these locations and spend a week investigating the most promising paranormal activity.
These were actually real. The only one I was slightly skeptical about was the two girls running but after watching it again slowly I'm convinced that one is real as well. These were all extremely impressive. Especially the "ghost of Carmel Maine" videos! People these were not simply residual ghosts of people these are Demons 100%. Demons exist I know this very well because I used to practice witchcraft and I have seen demons manifest in many different forms and various way. When the Mexican supermarket video played and he says "it feels very heavy" that is a Demon! You will feel heavy like a little trouble breathing when they are near. A heaviness. Demons are normally camouflaged in the light. If you could see them you would realize they are not entirely invisible but just "see through" however some of their form can still be made out many times. Night time is "their time" our strongest rituals were done during full moons or super moons etc. Listen we used to call these wretches "gods" let me be quite clear they are NOT gods nor are they of God. God exists as well however God does not bring diseases and death and curse and lie like they do. Listen in this physical world if you do not regard the spiritual you will have trouble with anxieties, depressions, despairing, suicidal tendencies, and those are just the basics of basic separation from GOD. God is Adonai Elohim (Lord God) or YHVH (I AM) the God of Israel who has a Son the Word the Logos Jesus Christ/Yeshua Messiah. Without seeking Jesus you cannot find God. Jesus is the Door to God the Father. The catholic church lost the Holy Spirit way back in the 4th century AD. The pope is just an earthly politician who works for the enemy satan in fact. Yet always there has been an True Holy Spirit filled Gathering in the Earth! The catholic church murdered real Christians right next to witches and burnt them at the stakes for heretics. They did not want us to spread the word of God into what they called "unholy" languages! As if Latin and Greek were "holy". The Truth is that you can be Reborn into God with the Holy Spirit/Ruach Hakodesh poured into you. This is the highest a human can attain is Salvation under God walking by Faith in God and by God. People may say: "well I don't want to choose a side". If you do not choose Peace with God through His Son Yeshua Messiah you have chosen the enemy. Because we all work for the enemy without God. We are all born into sin. Notice you don't have to teach a child how to be selfish they are born selfish! But we must teach them to Love other children and to share though. We are all born working for satan we do his will all the time without even realizing it. I have heard some say "Think for yourself!" Well I'm glad they said that because crackheads and junkies think for themselves they do not let anyone else think for them and they Fall and most die early. I know because I was a dealer and I was addicted to heavy drugs for over a decade. Jesus loves you more than any words can adequately express no matter what you've done. Find Him seeker for better help you will not find! I studied so many religions so many forms of witchcraft. You see I was suicidal and terminally depressed I overdosed many times but each time someone would find me blue on the floor dying and they called an ambulance. I wanted to die because of the pain of my existence! But my entire Life has been turned upside down! These are some of the qualities we gain in the Holy Spirit. The Lord said we would know His people by their fruits or qualities and the fruits of the Holy Spirit are Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control. You see in Jesus we become masters even of our pleasures. We are Reborn in the Holy Spirit unto a Joy that knows no bounds and a Peace that passes all understanding! Because even when terrible things are happening we are Okay! We have this Joy this Love that no man or demon can ever take! You see we always think if we can just get that high, if we can just marry that person, if we can just be successful and popular, if we can just change our image, if we can just a billion times over! Put the whole world in your pocket it cannot satisfy us! Because we live in a finite world with an infinite void in our hearts! That infinite void can only be filled by an infinite God. I love the Holy Spirit! I love Jesus Christ! Yeshua (Jesus) means Salvation in Hebrew because that is what He is yet He is so much more! Paul spoke in the Spirit: "Be not conformed to this world but be transformed unto the renewing of your mind." Be Reborn! This is by far the greatest experience of my life and the Best Thing that has ever happened to me! I wanted to die everyday! Now I love every moment. I dont even use nicotine anymore! He even healed me of a supposedly incurable disease (grand mal epilepsy) the day I accepted Him. I threw away all my expensive seizure kepra meds! He set me FREE I'm filled with the New Wine of the Holy Spirit I do not need to fill myself with fake plastic drugs! I have God to satisfy! Psalm 14 "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God…" You see earthbound demons both hunger and thirst but cannot eat or drink. Demons afflict possess and oppress people without protection. Protection comes from the Jesus Christ/Yeshua Messiah. And by reading His Bible. May God bless you exceedingly abundantly beyond all you see or imagine! Praise Jesus Messiah for those hard times for if not for them would i ever have found my Home? My Peace? My Joy? My Freedom? My Hope? My Faith? My CURE? My family? My New Life?! My Love? My Destiny? My Reason for being born? Indeed my Purpose?! I do not know! All I know is that if we live for our broken selves we are missing Everything! Eternal Life! God loves you more than words can say! That is why your still alive because you have a great Destiny! Come Home brother! Come Home sister! Your Father and your eternal family are waiting! ?
Can you wash any of the artefact/background sound out of the video with the humming,…. it sounds like it's an actual tune but I can't make it out!
Nukes is awesome with the research done and linking others
3:28 best footage so far ?
The next title should be "5 Scary Videos That Will Make You Check Behind You" c:
#5: Yeesh… that's creepy.
#4: A shadow peeking over the stair way. I know ghosts have something to do with Camera recording. And that guy still sleeps with all those paranormal activities?
#3: That guy is brave for capturing everything.
#2: I'd hate to believe that its a digital glitch. I'd rather it be real ghosts captured.
#1: Nuke? Can you show this clip one more time in your next video but this time speed up the audio and just a little bit of a higher pitch. There's something there. The humming sounds like its in slow-mo.
For some strange reason. I think the other world moves much much slower or faster than our world and the tone of the sound frequency might just be lower than our's.
carmel mane boy needs to move!
One of your best yet. Keep it up 🙂
Nukes become part of my weekly routine now! Love it when he brings a new video out!
The shadow dude is longing for attention
I can clearly hear a song being hummed it isn't tuneless in fact i would go as far to say its actually an intricate tune and is a song
Hhhh mah cookies won’t protect meh this time ;-;