Amazing Monster Flash Flood Caught On Camera ✔P86
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●Flash Flood Caught on Camera Compilation 2016 ✔P2
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***All the credits in the video***
My intention when doing this video is not to steal nobody’s work but share and compile the best ones. If your video is here and you don’t want it just email me and I’ll remove it: tuanta2463@gmail.com
Who would just stand there I would leg it
Like bruh
How is the water so high
08:00– why rescue services should have specially-made amphibious vehicles based on the AAVP-7A1… It wouldn't have able to CROSS that flooded river, but it could've helped evac those buildings… And with water cannon in the turret instead of machine guns, you'd have a fire truck that goes anywhere, takes additional firefighters along, and might be useful against large brush fires and fires in remote locations.
Sunil don
Nossa amor vcs
لا اله الا الله
يارب مايوصل للعراق
خاف هم يوصلني العراق
ما سير معقوله لا عراق يفيظ على الف خير
السيل العارم اللي با الخير في وادي جورا سيل الاربعاءفيضانات كل اودية منجقة جازان موجوده مقاطعها مستقله فما له داعي تضيفه ع فديوا سيول وادي بيشه
Allahu Akbar
This is quiet scary to look at!!!
Creepy sounding alarm. Scary
لحضو السيل
لحضو السيل
لحضو السيل
ماعندك كلام غير هذي الكلمتين
لحضو السيل
لحضو السيل
كنك تشرح لنا طبخه
ماكانه سيل
تشرح كن الناس مايعرفون السيول
ليتك صورت وانت ساكت
سبحان الله لكريم
It was just Chuck Norris peeing
What happen to this world?
What happen to this world
a flood kaha ka h
Gaurav singh
I wonder y these Arab don't store this water and use for irrigation purposes. ….?