A Kurdish YPJ (Women’s Protection Unit) sniper was filmed reacting after a bullet fired by an Islamic State (IS) group opponent narrowly missed her head.
The video was filmed in the IS “capital” of Raqqa as Kurdish and Syrian forces, backed by a US-led coalition, seek to force IS out.
The young woman is filmed laughing and exclaiming after her brush with death.
She then tells the men with her to stop filming, saying: “Enough, enough filming.”
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yeah somebody tell her that blue headgear is definitely a target magnet
Taka ładna dziewczyna, a jakiś idiota jeden z drugim decyduje o jej życiu czy śmierci :'(
She’s a keeper that one
Wondering why they still wait in that position even the enemy sniper has obviously spotted them already — a grenade launcher could be used now….
i just wanna buy her some gucci slides!
Obviously this guy didn't want to kill her.That was only a warning shot.Like..move or you die honey
she is absolutely sexy. Her fearless, calm and cool nature in barely avoiding death just makes her more sexy. I hope she's still alive popping terrorist heads.
So much respect for our lionesses God bless you YPJ
Fuck Turkey ?
Dragunov SVD 7.62? Very light half automatic sniper rifle, but not so exact… The enemy may used the same type rifle… 😉
Don't peek
Y’all going to suck TURKISH dick keep the work mfers ??????
Lets erdogan lead the army himself, maybe one of this brave girls would put to the end his pathetic life. Fuck him and his disgracefull invasion!
FUCK erdogan. Best luck shooting young girl !
Merak etme terörist köpek o mermi kafana girecek elbet bakalım o zaman da böyle gulebilecek misiniz çocuk katilleri.
She couldn't wear more visible head cover
fajna dupeczka
Why would you ever wear a blue of anything in a battlefield, she prolly was like a blue waterballoon in a window, target practice
very lucky lady -please stay safe in future 🙂
I'm in love.
Kurdish are so beautiful
And that's why real snipers never flag their barrel out of a window.
Fortunately she's dead now
I've had some years of military experience and (while reading through the comments) I have some things to point out:
If she's a trained sniper (snipers are experts, starting as a normal frontline soldier), she makes some very hard mistakes…
– Stay away from the window. Her gun sticking out and a (easy to see) silhouet makes it more easy for the enemy to see you. A gun firing makes it even more easy, because every enemy pointing at your building will see the flash. So move backwards inside the room, make yourself a place you can hide very good and still would be able to shoot through the window.
– Blend in your environment. Not only is she wairing the complete wrong colors, she needs to disguise herself much much better. Not only by camouflaging her look and her weapon, but also by moving back it will be harder to see you.
These are just some pointers, because I actually think the shot came from inside. If you look at the impact, the crater is very round, so it was shot right in front of the wall. The other impacts have a sleeve like an Earthly impact of a meteor…
The Boss looks better than I remembered.
A bright blue headdress that contrasts well with the background might not be the best attire for combat.
Meanwhile over here in Western countries women cry when their nail breaks.
Now here's a feminist I admire.
they should send all the spoiled liberals in America complaining how hard it isand send them over there and see how blessed they are too live in America.
I feel bad because she literally blowed the fuck up sky-high by Turkish precision drone strike
Such Beauty is wasted
Meanwhile American women are complaining about incorrect pronouns and "non conforming non binary" blah blah
Well… sorry to be the party pooper here boys, the shot came from behind the camera man. Why?
– Simple belestics the dirt splash back went towards the camera man if it was indeed from the window she was shooting out from the bullet would of almost grazed the wall instead of making a huge dent & splash from the dirt would of flew behind here 🙂
Not to mention the camera man only flinched because of the dirt flying towards him apart from that he was steady
if you listen it's clear the gun fire was inside the building rather than out, (Most likely with a pistol)