Crows accomplish spiritual benefits that were confidenced only by humans and apes.
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There are Corvids around the world. An evidence for their adaptability. They were highly revered in most cultures because of their intelligence, but with the civilization their image changed. In the walls of the moated castle Hallwyl accommodate a Jackdaw colony since it was built around 1200. In the shaft of a medieval abortion a jackdaw couple build a nest. Also in the castle in Starnberg has always been a jackdaw. There are jackdaws also in the castle in Starnberg. Biologist and behavioral scientist Princess Augusta of Bavaria examined precisely the jackdaws and identified in them a highly developed intelligence. In addition to several species of monkeys, crows are the only animals which can make tools and use them meaningfully.
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Interviewed persons:
Christoph Vogel (Biologist), Princess Auguste of Bavaria (Biologist and Behavioural Scientist), Christian Rutz (Zoologist)
An excerpt from the documentary of NZZ Format “Clever Ravens”. More from NZZ Format: https://www.youtube.com/user/NZZFormat
It is a refreshing difference to see nothing but positive comments here. I am so glad there are so many people who appreciate these marvelous corvids.
Nasty, using these beautiful birds as science, nasty very nasty, what is wrong with humans?????????
What a shame these beautiful birds use people refuse in nest
Crows plucked the eyes out of corpses on the battlefield. Not quite as dreadful as humans killing each other over nonsense, creating the corpses and leaving them there to rot.
Poe's fears validated
Who else came here for the bird sex?
127 miserable people who no doubt hate even other humans. Hate for all life is what gives them a warped sense of happiness.
Ha! The German guy who explained the bad reputation of the birds is named "Vogel" that's german for bird!
how can anyone hate such an inquisitive animal? they are cunning,inteligent and expressive…in fact Corvids exhibit more human-like traits than almost any other known animal on earth.
? ? And the ornithologist's name is 'Vogel'? Well, that's funny.
"visitors here can see just what their up to and if their lucky see them copulating" ????
it's a good fact learning that we are closer than we think, always pay your bill
Kangaros also use tools.
My father left to go get milk from the store 10 years ago and still hasn’t come back
122 white walkers don't like crows
So wait, are ravens/crows more intelligent than parrots?
As a farmer's son I know the best thing with these creatures is that you can have agreement with them.
I feed magpies, and have noticed that they feel uncomfortable when I look directly at them, but if I look to the side, they come and get the food quicker.
I was rescuing some orphaned baby ducks off a road once gathering them up when a man told me he saw one of them go between a couple of houses across the street so I took a chance and went for a look and there was a baby duck about to be eaten by two crows. I ran over and scooped up the little guy and those crows came after me fearlessly. I had to run because they were very upset that I grabbed their lunch.
Birds are very, very intelligent creatures ?
Simple wow God's creation
I just love birds ? all birds ??
Oh yes they are EXTREMELY intelligent beings and the most beautiful. Maybe some people are scared of them because these birds are a million times more intelligent than humans. That is probably intimidating to people who can't and don't appreciate them, one of God's many creations. ALL life is sacred including the misunderstood. My most favorite birds and beings. Thank you so much for making this video. You really made my day. I am always so glad to hear someone singing these birds' praises.
FUCK all corpo MEDIA output. All of its bullshit CRAP
Hey you didn't get their concept to witness them copulating
That's my kind of princess.
Corvids – Smartest birds in the world!
I rescued a crow that was in our fish pond, other crows were circling (probably rival crows), i stayed with the crow as a protector for a while (the crow seemed weak and lethargic and was probably resting) after almost a day i came away and went back the next day and to my surprise the crow was full of life and following me around the garden on our fence, it stayed with me for around 2 weeks and never seen it again.