Official “Dumbest Fails On The Internet #52” video by Alonzo Lerone.
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Alonzo Lerone Bio:
Welcome to the official YouTube channel of comedian/entertainer Alonzo Lerone. Looking for comedy, or just a good laugh? You’re in luck! On this channel, you’ll find a variety of fail compilations showcasing the internet’s funniest and dumbest fails curated by Alonzo Lerone from Twitter, Facebook, advertisements, and much more.
This video is for entertainment purposes only
I love watching your videos just told hubby he has to start watching your so funny much love from SC
This was uploaded on my ???
Poor Keith !! ??
Dude, that church sign is also displayed in Yuma az, word for word! You got followers out here!
Every time i see “noah fence” I think it’s someone’s name ?
7:30 You are right it's spelled SIR-CUM-FRANCE ?
I can’t believe someone would actually post this! 4:53! That’s disgusting! AHAHAHA ?? I’m dying!
Alaska is to the left of Washington, South of Washington is Oregon, South of Oregon is California.
anyone else think he’s lowkey the windys twitter account
I think I have watched all your videos in the last month.
Keep up the great work!
We too low ????
BTS- could mean that behind the scene or the kpop group called BTS!
0:47 why does he look like my ex ??
#BTS dued please if kattiy can spell then i will it would make my day if you did XD
This is so hilarious 2:49
It means standard. Std ( disease)has nothing to do with pillows.
0:24 DEATH OF THE FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Commenting on the vid. I didnt know if u got why it was funny. Captain Sum Ting Wong (Catain Something Wrong), Wi Tu Lo (We To Low), Ho Lee Fuk (Holy Fuck), Bang Ding Ow (i guess sound made when the plane was going down)
I love these videos!! I aced English class in high school…. Pregnant. Sphincter, circumference a lot is two words
noah fence but there is sum tong wong with all of the pee pole who spell wong. Just a bunch of belowknee, dont you think? I would rather eat a center peed than look at bad grammer. Coman sence, pee pole, coman sence!!
The McDonalds one @ 2:51 is totally fake. They would be all over the media if they were cussing people out like that. Even Wendy’s doesn’t go that far, and Wendy’s is ruthless with “clap-backs”. ?
I died laughing when they read those obvious fake-ass pilot names. It's like they ain't even tryna hide the fact that it's fake news.
I'm from Poland, so as you can guess English is not my first language, but still those mistakes are so funny for me ?
But to be honest in my country grammar is FUCKING HELL, so most of polish people can't write properly words in their own language. I think it works like that in every country. Even the easiest word can be the hardest ?
I sort of hear what the Luke at 4:53 was saying. I stayed the night at a friend's house, while it was a big house, you could hear everything that went on in it. My friend's sister was gorgeous, and for some reason, I was scared of her hearing me pee. I held my piss in for hours until everyone went to sleep. Once I was sure everyone was asleep, I slipped outside and peed for about three full minutes on a potted plant. Finally letting it go was one of the most satisfying things in my life, though it did kill the plant.
Larenzo, I been watch your videos for 3 years now and I always die of later when I do lol see your chanel grow and more and more throgout the years. contin you the work, great content.
Every time i watch something like this my iq lowers
Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz do a BTS(ARMY)plzzzzz i pray I beg of u plzzz?????????????????????????
At 8:12 you have Black face on. Not cool man. That's Racist
This is not a channel to watch while eating…you will laugh-spit out your food.
Tim Burton was is and forever will be my childhood crush
3:43 is that real?
All I have to say is jajajajajajaja
So you see a creepy clown and the first thing you think of is ramming ass? Damn and I thought I was a freak
If she wants her daughter to be born in 1981 she's gonna need "Doc" from Back To The Future to lend her the de lorean
Plz do a bts video plz???
What if it’s the 13th ???
I burst out laughing at 2:27!
I love that tweet about Christmas being on the 13th, because the day they posted it, it was the 22nd ??
Why does he think smh stands for shaking my head?
This is the best video I love it
I wish "I was died" too lmao
Ho Lee Fuk
omg Alonzo, please react to BTS!!!!!!!!!! I BEG OF UUUUUU!!! BECOME AN ARMYYYYYYYY