This pilot let Mussa the rescued baby chimpanzee ride on his lap for the sweetest reason — to make him feel safe after he lost his family. In this episode of Wild Hearts, watch Mussa in his new home as he joins the nursery group, makes new friends and experiences his first day of school.
To help save more primates in the Democratic Republic of Congo, you can support the Lwiro Primates Rehabiliation Center: http://thedo.do/primates. For more of Anthony’s work flying the Lwiro primates, you can check him out on Instagram: https://thedo.do/anthonycaere
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you can clearly see how calm the pilot is making him and I am sure he is fascinated by the plane as well
You two are so cute
So cute – like a curious little child!
Yeah, they lived in the White House for 8 years…I guess that was resettling.
We all feel sorry for the little baby chimpanzee who was orphaned. We also don't know why he was orphaned. Did hunters kill his mother? What happened to his family.
More and more we hear that mothers are killed so that the babies can be sold. This is extremely traumatizing for the babies who witness their mothers being brutally killed by greedy men.
We need to focus more attention on who is killing these magnificent animal beings. Humans are the main cause of animal extinctions all over the world.
The human population growth is outstripping the ability of hundreds of species to survive along with man who is crowding these out of their habitats.
No nasty comments please.
Love that pilot! Thank you!!
❤️ Hope little beautiful Mussa will have a good life. How touching. So Sweet. ❤️
Awwwww what a cutie your so lucky to be able to meet and save him.
Whoooo ::fanning face:: There wasn't just a cute chimp in that plane…
Curious George in real life
Congo is destabilised because of coltan for mobile phones and laptops and the cobalt for jet fighter planes and diamonds. That's why Musa's forest home is destroyed by war and greed for minerals.
I wish you a happy life, sweet Big Guy. Thank for saving Mussa.
Very nice.Thank you for helping him?
Ok so handsome, kind, a pilot who's man is that??? Chimpanzee is gorgeous by the way.. ?
baby chimpenzees are so adorable but they can be super super fierce and very scary when theyre grown up mostly theyre still lovely but they have that potential
That chingpanzee will once day bite the man faces off when he raging abouts diaper and no more Xanax pills.
Love the cute little cousin, respect the pilot, and admire the rehab center people. Humanity at its best.
I would have went up at high as it would go and tossed it out the window and watched it hit the ground
Good luck little one!?he or she is so adorable! Tell him or her I love him or her and good luck
This is sweet- except the ending isn't likely to be happy. His family was killed by poachers. When they "reintroduce"him into the wild, it will likely happen to him too. That's the reality. Quite unfortunately.
I want that cute pilot to marry me
Do you have a donation page on eBay? I am a Social Security so I can't afford to donate any other way but when I sell my reborn dolls which include reborn chimps orangutans baby apes
1:10 i cried
Name it george
The pilot met the needs of the baby . Good thoughts to them …just heart rending
Génial pour Mussa, vous êtes extraordinaires !! Admiration et respect total
Dang that hit me really hard when he lost his family
I want him as my flying buddy!
This was a very sweet video reminding me of how boring and lame my life is. ?
I always am on the edge of my site when I see this rescue video, of wild animals, because they are wild not pet they may look cute now because they are baby but they will grow up, and the adoption of wild animals can only end in two ways they get hurt or the person that adopted them gets hurt.
my heart
When he hugged the lady who picked him up from the plane, i lost it. Such a wonderful embrace… .. .
1:25 he just like face planted into the bed ?
Just until they grow up & rip your face off & eat there own babies.
Do you think Chimps would prefer to befriend a really hairy guy like Tom Selleck as opposed to someone with little to no body hair?
Favourite video for so long. Those beautiful huge gentle brown eyes full of love and trust… and the little chimp is just as precious and engaging..