Watch this teeny tiny black bear cub grow up and meet his first friend, swim in his first pool and climb his first tree ?
You can learn more about the work of Black Bear Rescue Manitoba here: https://thedo.do/bearrescue.
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I gotta stop watching these videos ??I want a pet moose, fox, squirrel and now bear and it’s only Wednesday ?♀️
Look they cute n all but one day they're gonna grow up and eat a person's face-
Quick Wikipedia of The Dodo's : It’s fake
✅editorial and video production staff unionized with the Writers Guild of America.
✅Kenneth Lerer is an American businessman and media executive , ✅ chairman and co-founder of The Huffington Post, ✅ The Huffington Post acquired by Aol in 2011.
✅ Managing Director of Lerer Hippeau Ventures and Chairman of Betaworks and BuzzFeed.
I'm in love!!
they r cute thanks for raising them
Awwww what a little baby cutie!!!
They're both so CUTE!!!
It's like I'm seeing a cute baby growing up. This made my heart warm
He'sso cute. As a newborn hekinda has theface of a man
Scrap the music. Let us just enjoy the little guy.
So precious ???
Incredibly beautiful.
So graceful ?? very cute too!!
❤ ??????????It's just impossible not to be in love with this creatures!
So cuuuuute n clumsy ????
Absolutely adorable from baby-baby to toddler to pre-teen!
Glad he has a buddy!
please don't skip add so that they can earn money to save poor animals
I have melted from this cuteness overload. ??????
Hello beautifulll bearr??
Erinnert stark an Knut. Hoffe, Sie haben mehr Glück im Leben. Das Gehege ist schon mal super.
What happened to Mama Bear?
His eyes mean the world
Too short, I want more.
My heart <3 i love bears 🙂
Awe. I want to hug him and love him up so much!
It's so had not to want to hug that cub like a teddy bear, even when they got bigger.
Its the most cutest??????????
ADORABLE little sob i love him
My heart so cute but gets big aww
1:39 “is it on? Is….is the camera…is it…okay good”
GiVe It TO mE!!!
Show this to Jimmy , hopefully this this makes up for all the Shark stuff , until next time you take your life in your hands by paddling into the coastal Pacific Great white hunting grounds ,at night I might ad.
I know I should be happy watching this cutie pie climb the tree… but I just think:
There goes my escape route ?
Those eyes!!
That was soooo cute, brought a smile to my face, now I am ready for my day, no matter what comes my way.
Chubby bunny
Dang it why do you show this, now I'm gonna go into the forest looking for bears to cuddle with and end up getting mauled.
What happened to mama bear ?
Dedicating to all Bear Mom's & Bear cubs, who lost each other. ???
"Look at me i can climb mum" 3.02
one of the reasons I believe he does it is because it gets him attention. He already had his first channel taken down but he's back. He must be stopped. If everyone here could report his channel and do their part, I think the more complaints YouTube gets, the faster they'll deal with it. His channel is called 2Akatsukito with Chinese/Japanese lettering between the number 2 and A, and at the end, next to the O. Please help get this deranged, sick, vile person off YouTube. He needs to be in jail.
Don't go up a tree if being chased nor with mama Brown bear