In this video we showcase just how powerful the love of another can be in the life of an injured cat. These 12 rescue stories reveal the stories of cats with only a thread of hope, to thriving, healthy adult cats.
If you have a cat, give them an extra hug tonight. There are many cats out there that aren’t lucky enough to have somebody who loves them.
Photo Credits:
1. Justin – https://www.facebook.com/justinfiresurvivor
2. Blind cat – http://imgur.com/a/rNDug
3. Bunny – http://imgur.com/a/mJil3
4. Mr. Biscuits – https://www.facebook.com/mrbiscuitskitty/info?tab=page_info
5. Abandoned Cat – http://imgur.com/a/KnVGk
6. Louie – https://www.reddit.com/r/BeforeNAfterAdoption/comments/2rp3w4/found_abandoned_in_the_gutter_at_2_weeks_old_now/
7. Kodama – https://www.reddit.com/r/BeforeNAfterAdoption/comments/2rnkfh/my_cat_kodama_when_he_was_first_found_in_taiwan/
8. Utopia – http://www.kittyarmy.com/utopia-the-orphan-kitten-rescued-during-rainstorm-in-shanghai/
9. Stuart Little – https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/1sd63g/my_friend_rescued_a_freakishly_tiny_kitten_named/
10. Tyrion – https://imgur.com/gallery/88TZQ/new
11. Spyder – http://imgur.com/a/qEq19?gallery
12. Duncan – http://imgur.com/a/nJrsq
evil people keep doing this… wait for your turn… karma is getting near you… cats done no wrong… shamless bastard
Anyone who abuses an animal should do hard time in prison for the first offense and repeat offenders who abuse animals should be executed!
I'll be that one lady with 1000 cats I swear ??
While all these rescues make me happy I can't help but feel so much sorrow and pain for those not saved.
02:05 ahahaha ahaha
Heros…all who saved and helped them.
How about we come over set you on fire? That person is a monster.
save Street cats
very good
Muchas gracias a todas esas personitas humanas gracias por lo que hacen día a día por los animalitos indefensos chile
beautiful animals and beautiful people
Why the hell would you like to set and see a cat on fire! That is messed up.
That was so hard to watch. What the FRICK is wrong with people!?!?!!?? Those people need to be found, and tortured worse than what they did to those sweet innocent kittens. That's just my opinion and I know I'm not alone on this.
I’m only 11 this really breaks my heart
l hate male tomcats. l only like female cats.
Cuties! Im glad they survived and god bless the people who helped them.
Hensem dah kucing2 ni ???
God bless
I live in the countryside and there is a little cat who have an infection at one eye. But he is savage and even If I give food to the cats and to him he doesn't want to let me catch him, he accepts some caress but run away if I try to take him in my arms and may be let me take him to the vet, so what can I do to help him ? I feel so sad for him ..
nice work
Thank you for helping to innocent animals!.
Karma baby Karma!!! WHY?!?!
Awwwww talks to the people who did it I DONT LIKE U THIS IS ANIMAL CRUELTY
it was look like my cat his name biboy.
You know what cat abusers say when they get caught or try to defend their reason? They say,"It's just a cat" or "cats are pest". I want to break their face!
Love is a 4 legged word! Please adopt, don't shop.
I love sting these guys get happy endings
Awwwww its soo cute?????????????????????????????????????????
Thank you for helping!
I hope there's a special place in hell for people who are so cruel to innocent, defenseless animals. HB
?????? mis ojos no dejan de llorar y mi cozon destrozado ???
The last one lookes like firestar
This is why you do it. Isn't it?
why would people do this….
my mum abandon our cat when I was younger because she couldnt afford to neuter/spray (which ever one it is) her and she got pregnant twice hope shes ok the poor girl hope she found a nice home like these cats
he looks like my cat Oreo! 🙁
who the hell would electrocute a cat and why would you light an animal in fire
Please spay/neuter your cats to reduce the number of unwanted cats.
4 dislike? Animals abuser maybe >.<
which bit of this is the "video"? It's a series of still photographs with some rostrum work and an over-sentimentalised bit of text and music. A waste of time.