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Skywrath mage didnt failed, that was pure mindgames
2:02 1st time looking, I thought that was some blob monster in the portrait XD I only saw nature's prophets face when someone mentioned it lol. I was only seeing the beard!
use a better mic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ur introductions are annoying, sunfan or whatever ur called
puki means vagina in Malay…
1:44 floating barraks HOLY SHIT
I am just waiting to be on one of these videos, I do some real stupid shit sometimes on DoTA
5:40 the meaning of the name is vagina in indonesian/malay language HAHAHAH
its like in warcraft 3
How can i get the Celestial Spark ?
Is it just me, or did someone crit for 4701 damage?
i love ur "blaugblaugnblaug" :)))
I don't give a fuck about the title "fails" or you two guys being insufferable idiots like always and basically being impossible to listen to, but: This PA flying into the crashing boat was amazing.
How he drop divine rapire
the morphling was out of mana so he couldn't have used his ult to tp to the illusion and stopping the ult
but he could have split up that's true
FYI, puki is from native language of eastern culture in Indonesia means p*ssy..
The last one was fucking amazing :DD
Corrupted Augur's Armor on market
dota needs Cave Johnson announcer pack!
nice intro 🙂
florian du alter noob
Fuck this stupid Asian body builder.