Goodbye World

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When a mysterious cyber-attack cripples civilization, a group of old college friends retreat to a remote country home, where they must cope with an uncertain future while defending themselves against desperate outsiders. 2014 GOODBYE WORLD, LLC 2014 Phase 4 Films (USA), LLC. All Rights Reserved. Phase 4 Films, the Phase 4 Films logo and all related titles, logos and indicia are trademarks of Phase 4 Films Inc. All Rights Reserved. Distributed exclusively in the United States by Phase 4 Films (USA), LLC. / 460 Greenway Industrial Drive, Suite A, Fort Mill, SC 29708 / 1.866.495.3650 /


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  1. The guy dare you bring that gun into my house..The same gun that killed the psycho that was about to kill him..He thanked her for saving his life with that gun. Ya think he had a change of mind about guns? Probably not..too indoctrinated in the ..All guns are bad.. 2nd amendment trashing.

  2. This movie is just about being prepared but not completely that's it, they just forgot about security which every preper always secure first, overall still a good movie.

  3. Wow!
    I guess this is the Cali/Hollywood version of apocalypse survival (weed and alcohol) and everyone clean shaven with perfect grooming.
    Asking for a divorce during an apocalypse (head roll), what are they going to do… get a lawyer (in the city that is burning) and take care of the paperwork.
    The world is ending and the they are getting in their matching spandex and going for a morning run….only in Cali/Hollywood…..
    A love triangle from high school/college……. while the world is collapsing….
    Everyone wearing clean white t-shirts and Abercrombie sun dresses….while the the world is falling apart….
    I guess this is what Hollywood thinks is "roughing it".
    Wow, just Wow.

  4. Well that was much to do about nothing…lame. just a buncha stupid selfish weak millennial assholes. Beta male man buns and whiney slutty lil lushes. Yawn..

  5. I guess this goes to show, no matter how prepared you are with resources, someone can just take it all away if you don't have a way to defend yourself / it.

  6. I guess it’s either have a gun or be someone’s little bitch or watch someone you love be someone’s bitch…… I’ll be my own hero , thanks

  7. OMG!!!!!!! >:( I don't think I've ever hated an entire cast of characters all at once!!! Whiny Millennial crybaby BS!!! :/ If there were zombies in this movie, I'd want them all to be eaten by super zombies, Resident Evil Super Zombies!! I want a divorce at the end of the world?! WTF!! Die MFs !!! Die MFs!!!! >:( Daily Bubble!!! ARRRGGGG!!!!

  8. Such snowflake bullshit, hahahaha lib tards will do anything to take over your mind and life. Prisoners in your mind believing you should give everything you earned is better spent by them. Truth is, nobody else is gonna work if they just take.

  9. If you thought this movie was action&adventure, I recommend you look for another one. There's not a bit of action nor adventure, just a bunch of people stuck in a house and discussing about the past. Drama all the way.

  10. Don't despair guys there are some good movies for free too on YouTube. Lord of War is one. Terminator is another. Dance with wolves is alright… Sorry got tired of scrolling through garbage looking for gold. Feel free to add something good to this list if you find it.

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